05 December 2007

Reflections on a Botched Evening Prayer

Nothing like the pastor bellowing away at the front in the way that HE thinks the singing should go, and the poor, bewildered organist and people left trying to play catch up. That was me tonight. Mea culpa! I confess, my usual speed in life is "fast-forward." I walk fast. I talk fast. I sing fast. That's not to boast - because when it comes to singing it a downright hindrance to the prayerfulness of the song of God's people. Lesson learned from Advent I Evening Prayer: "Weedon SHUT UP." If you stand out in your singing, you are not serving, but hindering. I had a good friend remind me of this tonight and my dear wife reinforced it! There is no prize won for finishing the Magnificat ahead of everyone else.


Rev. Paul Beisel said...

Don't be too hard on yourself, Weedon. It is a tough service to get the right flow and tempo. I actually used Evening Prayer as well, but since only one other person (besides myself and the organist) showed up, I told the organist to come down and sit in the pew in front of the lectern, and we sang it A Cappella. It probably went better that way, because I was able to lead it. It should clip along. It is not meant to be sung slowly, I don't think.

BTW, a couple of my members have visited your church a few times I think--Larry & Linda Dittmer. They said that it is a lot like our church services. And I said, "Great!"

William Weedon said...

For me, the problem was wanting to control too much. I played it for our pastoral conference a few months ago, and I wanted it done the same way (but I can't preside and play - and I'm not called to play!). Also, I had a keyboard there, not the organ, and I believe that it is actually easier to lead the changes on the "Magnificat" from a keyboard than the organ. We're going to try that next week and see.

You know, that was a smart move about the unaccompanied singing of Evening Prayer - I think it can be really beautiful that way too.

Yes, the Dittmer's visited several times down here, and I'm glad they said it was a lot the same. Always good to hear - after all, it was straight out of the hymnal. :)

William Weedon said...

And as I reflect upon it, you know what THE mistake was? I ceased worshipping and tried leading. There's nothing that fails so miserably. Always best to worship and let that lead folks into the quiet and peace before the Throne.

Anonymous said...

glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles with worshipping while leading...
must have been the night for "hiccups". first time through LSB Vespers was not terrible, but it was not all that good either for us who are used to TLH