Pretty much how days go. Rinse and repeat.
06 February 2025
The Daily Round on a Typical Thursday
Up before sunrise + make our hot chocolate and prep bacon + sunrise walk + drink chocolate while praying Matins, then reading Book of Concord, and then my three chapters of the Bible + eat breakfast (usually ribeye or strip steak, bacon, and eggs) + coffee and praying Treasury together + solving internet puzzles (Wordle, Quardle, Sequence, Nerdle, Worldle, Connections, and Blossom) + another walk + another cup of coffee + write podcast + another walk + write podcast + another walk + make pot of Irish Breakfast tea + write podcast + another walk + workout with X3 bar + finish up walking to reach 10K steps + 30 minutes in sauna + shower + Vespers + a bit of wine and web surfing (mostly X) + dinner with Cindi and Opa + liverpool with Cindi, Opa and maybe Lois + choir practice + chill for a few minutes + bed.