13 August 2006
Hope in St. Louis
Cindi and I hate missing church at St. Paul's, but when vacation time rolls around, we usually attend elsewhere. Hard to be "on vacation" and "at home." This morning, we ventured down into St. Louis and attended Hope Lutheran Church where Pastor Randy Asburry serves, together with Kantor Stephen Rosebrock, who also plays the organ. What a blessing this morning to worship with this parish! Pastor Asburry preached a very targeted sermon based on the Gospel for this Sunday after Trinity - the Unjust Steward. The music supplied by Kantor Rosebrock was a real treat to listen to and sing with. The liturgy was LW DS II, Setting 1, and the hymns all undergirded and supported the Word proclaimed. What a joy to receive our Lord's body and blood and His precious Gospel in a buildling that also proclaimed the joy of Christ's victory in stone, wood, glass, pipe and wind.
Did you know the Riklis?