23 February 2007

Commemoration of St. Polycarp, Pastor and Martyr

Today we remember St. Polycarp, giving thanks to God for his faithful service to his flock and for his witness to the resurrection in giving up his life - in which the universal Church rejoices.

Some choice quotes from this saint who was martyred this day in the year 155:

"Though you never saw Him for yourselves, yet you believe in Him in a glory of joy beyond all words (which not a few others would be glad to share), well knowing that it is by His grace you are saved, not of your own doing but by the will of God through Jesus Christ."

"Faith is the mother of us all; with Hope following in her train and Love of God and Christ and neighbor leading the way. Let a man's mind be wholly bent on these, and he has fulfilled all the demands of holiness; for to possess Love is to be beyond the reach of sin."

"To deny that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is to be Antichrist. To contradict the evidence of the Cross is to be of the devil. And to pervert the Lord's words to suit our own wishes, by asserting that there is no such things as resurrection or judgment, is to be the first-begotten son of Satan. So let us have no more of this nonsense from the gutter, and these lying doctrines, and turn back to the Word originally delivered to us."

"Let us never relax our grasp on the Hope and Pledge of our righteousness; I mean Jesus Christ, who bore our sins in his own body on the tree."

"Pray for all God's people. Pray too for our sovereign lords and for all governors and rulers; for any who ill-use you or dislike you; and for the enemies of the Cross. Thus the fruits of your faith will be plain for all to see, and you will be perfected in Him."

Don't know about you, but I sure would love to have had him as MY pastor!

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