07 February 2007

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

She [the Lutheran Church] does not consider it an insult if it is said: This pastor thinks it is enough to preach, catechize, administer the sacraments, hear confessions of penitents, and comfort the sick. She knows that even the most faithful pastors do not enough of this. She does not care for a multiplication of pastoral offices, but she does care for a right use those enjoined in Scripture and laid down from old time. - Wilhelm Loehe, *Three Books* p. 177, 178


  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I like these Old Lutheran quotes of the day. Keep them coming!

  2. Thanks, Ben. I intend to. I would love to just type out ALL of *Three Books* - it is pure gold, as I suspect you know. Now, if I had some more Gerhard to English to quote from... (hint, hint, hint)
