04 July 2007

Happy birthday, Bro!

Today my brother Butch (Seldon Stuart) is 62 years old. Hard to believe! He neither looks nor acts like what I used to think someone in their 60's would look and act like. Happy birthday, my oldest brother!

Today was a relatively quiet day. We slept in a bit, then Bekah and I got the pool set up to vaccuum, and she took care of that (remember, SHE wanted the pool!). Bekah, Cindi and Lauren ran off to attend to wedding stuff, David betook himself back to bed, and so I enjoyed almost 2 solid hours of pool solitude. How sweet it that? The sun was playing peek-a-boo behind the clouds, so it was quite pleasant. Then the ladies returned and we had a light lunch. I read more Krauth, dug another three wheel-barrel's of sand from the old fish pond (with some help from David), and then enjoyed a bit more sun, some more Krauth, and came in to work on Starck. After finishing that up, it was almost time for dinner.

Cindi made us steak and hotdogs (yes, Lauren and I prefer hotdogs over steak - we're just weird), salad, watermelon, and home-made icecream (both regular and lo-carb!), and then we enjoyed coffee (well, Dean and I did) and we all sat down to a game of liverpool - David stomped us.

This evening we had a beautiful storm, lots of rain, and I listened some to Bach's B-minor mass as I read more Krauth. Finished up original sin and begun the Person of Christ. Excellent, excellent! The man is phenomenal. Lauren and Dean headed to Troy for the fireworks and Bekah and Nathan went to Litchfield. Lauren just walked in, but Bekah is still stuck in traffic trying to get home.

Tomorrow is back to work nice and early. Much to do and a wedding rehearsal and dinner tomorrow evening.


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Pastor Weedon,

    Just wondering what you are doing with "Starck"? What kind of project are you working on?

    Thank you for the correction/guidance on the ARWV you posted on anothe comment section. I had found it and wanted to share!!!

    Another site I just found is:





    Enjoy the rest of your busy week!!

    Darian L. Hybl
    Darian L. Hybl

  2. Darian,

    I'm updating the Jacobean language in which Pieper's version of Starck was rendered by Dau. Trying to make it speak 21st century English, if you will, while not losing the spirit of Starck's original work. Hopefully CPH will be publishing it in the next year or two.
