25 November 2007

Vacation Done and Busy Week Ahead

I confess: I'm eager to get back in the saddle. Two weeks of vacation is great - but by the end I'm going stir crazy.

This week I will be doing our shut-in calls (I actually got a couple done last week!), numerous meetings, and several sermons to finish up. I'm teaching three days at Trinity-St. Paul Lutheran School this week. There's Golden Agers on Tuesday, our regular Wednesday class and our Thursday a.m. men's group and a meeting with our beloved District President on Thursday. And Advent looms with its extra services and sermons.

The key to peace (I preach to myself) is to look at one day at a time and to spend it in the presence of God, asking His blessing upon all that is thought, said, or done. Also allowing nothing to crowd out time in the Word and for praying the daily offices. That means getting up early tomorrow morning, and so I'm off to bed tonight.

"Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping..."


  1. Pr. Will,

    Can't keep yourself off from the pulpit eyh?! ;-)


  2. Lito,

    No, I confess, I can't. :)
