15 January 2008

LSB Propers of the Day

In case anyone else is misunderstanding their advertising, as I did:

Lutheran Service Book: Propers of the Day

does NOT include the readings - it includes a LIST of the readings - it is basically just a reprint of the the Propers setting of the Altar Book and it's in el cheapo paperback form, due to fall apart with minimal use. My suggestion: it is NOT worth $20.00, no way, no how.

So far its the only part of the LSB "set" that I think is rather much a rip off. Better to spend the money to have a copy of the Altar Book itself by your desk, IMHO.


  1. I'm still using the 1 year test series that I printed up. I may be off on ocassion, but it works.

  2. "I may be off on occasion."


  3. Oh, for heaven's sake. The very reason the "el cheapo" edition was produced, in very low quantities, hence the price, was because:

    A. There are people too "el cheapo" to buy the Altar Book and use it.

    B. There are people too "el cheapo" to buy the Lutheran Service Builder and use that.

    Present company excepted, of course.

    Whiney pastors, harumphhh!

  4. We should start a contest: who whines more effectively, pastors or CPH folks when their works are critiqued. ;)


    But it's still a sucky book.

  5. Anonymous9:05 PM

    "But it's still a sucky book."

    I think that many will disagree with that assessment. But you are entitled to your whining . . . :)

    CoWhiner Vieker

  6. No doubt, part of my disappointment with the book is that it wasn't what I thought I was purchasing. I thought it was the READINGS with the propers together in a single volume (and so I did wonder at the $20 price tag) AND I thought it was hard bound. THAT would have been quite useful. It's having the readings in one book and the rest of the propers in another that I (and a number of others who have written me) find frustrating. IF ALL the propers were printed out together by Sunday/Festival, that would be enormously helpful.

  7. Is the LSB Agenda worth getting? I have the Altar Book (otherwise known as the Beijing Yellow Pages, which Pr. Weedon uses as a chiropractic dummy), and I also have the outstanding Pastoral Care Companion.

    Is there anything in the Agenda that I don't already have?

  8. Unfortunately, yes. For example, I just did another house blessing tonight. For this you need the Agenda. To bless the Creche, you need the Agenda. To bless the Advent wreath, you need the Agenda. There are numerous other rites that show up there and nowhere else.

  9. I believe the Pastoral Care Companion actually *has* the house blessing rite in it. My congregation doesn't have a creche, and we re-use our Advent wreath every year - so unless there is something else in there that we need, I think we'll just save our federal reserve notes - even though they have become worth less than a Canadian loonie.

    On the other hand, I wish we had kept all those old LWs. We could have clipped out the musical setting for the litany that we no longer have in LSB. We could just chant the litany in monotone - so long as CPH doesn't own the copyright to f-sharp. ;-)

  10. See, this is why if there is something I want to do that isn't in the Agenda - I just make up my own. Wing it, change a view words to suit my purpose. Bless this. . . um, what is this again, oh yes, bless this ________.

    (looks around to see who is convulsing and having a heart attack).

    Although I will admit, CPH let me get my congregation to the ESV and 1 year series - my congregation had stopped buying the CPH bulletin covers because they were too expensive (before I got here, mind you), and so it was easy to change to the ESV even 3 years ago.

    (looks to see if the body count has grown at all)

    And I really don't use the service builder because I can't get it to do what I want - after all, isn't it just a tool for contemporary worship - if I decide I want to add Shine, Jesus Shine I can dust if off I suppose.

    (Really, I just only want all of you to see Jesus. . . that's why I write this. . . heart attacks are just the path on the way to see Jesus).

    There, I feel better about life.

  11. Does the PCC really have that rite, Pr. Beane? I looked, but evidently I did not look carefully enough. Will have to check that out again.

    About the Builder, Pr. Brown, it is a work in progress, no question. But it has been fabulous for printing out our Service of Prayer and Preaching (a.k.a. the Catechism Service), and a couple other things too.

  12. Thank you, Pr. Beane!!! That will make it a bit easier next year when the house blessings come round.

  13. Anonymous11:43 AM

    FYI, the musical setting to the Litany is also found in the LSB Altar Book.

    The Agenda is useful for those who want the complete and annotated versions of such rites as:

    Baptism (2 rites)

    Frankly, I can't imagine a pastor with an Agenda . . . :)


  14. Viekerhaus:

    The musical setting in the Altar Book isn't all that helpful. We only have one of them, but typically have more than that show up for church. ;-) I wonder if I could photocopy the music in the Agenda and use it as a bulletin insert.

    Are the rites in the Agenda more complete than those in the PCC? I have found the PCC to be entirely self-contained. Is the Agenda basically a larger version of the PCC?


  15. Anonymous3:43 PM

    The rites that are in the PCC as the same as they are found the Agenda, just not as may of them. Some of the more commonly used Agenda rites not found in the PCC would be:

    Public Recognition of Holy Baptism
    First Communion
    Reception of Members
    Blessing of a Civil Marriage
    Ordination/Installation rites

    Hope this is helpful.


  16. That's very helpful! Thank you very much!

  17. Anonymous9:01 PM

    FYI, the version of the litany with music is currently being entered into Builder and is waiting for a couple of technical logjams to clear before it can be pushed to users.

    We're hard at work trying to complete the contents of the additional volumes in Builder as soon as we can get them. No one wants them in there more than I do.

    Or. Weedon is correct in that Builder is a work in progress in that it is constantly evolving to fit the diverse needs of its users.

  18. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I like the Agenda. I use it all the time for pre- funeral devotions, commitals at graveside, blessing of homes etc. It's a good size and respectable.
