08 January 2008


Pastor Larry Beane on Luther and the "Emerging Church Movement":

Emerging Luther

Father Hollywood nails it yet again.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    What an interesting site! Father Hollywood certainly expounds Confessional Lutheranism boldly and succinctly!

    Dean Alan Jones of the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (before the Episcopal church began to encounter it's unfortunate "troubles") once commented that Americans don't make very good catholics. They are too fiercely independent in their thinking and hooked on the paradigm of the "individual".

    That indictment can be laid across the spectrum of American Christianity today (including in Catholic parishes) and coupled with a general lack of historical consciousness in the populace it's not surprising that there's so much upheaval.

    When I watched Joel Osteen on 60 minutes a couple of weeks ago they showed one of his book signings. An elderly couple bought one and the husband gushed "I'm Catholic and my wife is Jewish and we just love you !!"

    Kyrie Eleison!
