02 February 2008

Back from Colorado!

A BIG thanks to the folks on the Our Lutheran Faith Conference Committee for inviting me to be with them today and lead their conference through a study of the OT basis for NT worship: the Lamb at the Center. We met at the parish of my friend, Pastor John Frahm, Gloria Christi Lutheran Church, in Greeley, Colorado. I think the folks who came to the conference from farthest away were the Terrible Swede and Erika - all the way from Kansas! The conference was really a great joy - especially meeting some folks in the flesh who have been internet friends for a while, as well as catching up with old friends. A HUGE thank you to Pastor Lehmann for picking me up from the airport, giving me a place to sleep, food to eat, and getting me back to the airport again. A whirlwind day, and not as much time for visiting and catching up as I'd like, but maybe someday!


  1. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Pastor Weedon,

    Would you post your presentation in any form where those who couldn't attend could read it?

    Darian L. Hybl

  2. Darian,

    I didn't actually have it written out. We did it like a series of Bible studies. Sorry about that!
