18 March 2008

And how about this!

KFUO has now removed the archives from their webpage. Check it out:


Just like Issues Etc. never existed. Isn't there a way to draw on web archives, though? We'll have to investigate that.


  1. I guess I'm a dummy, but I always thought they weren't supported by the LCMS financially?

  2. As of right now, you can still get to the archive directly:


  3. Maybe www.waybackmachine.org/

  4. I just tried waybackmachine, and the pages exist, but the mp3 files are not in the archive.

    Anybody have any idea as to the reason this happened?

  5. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Some of the archives can be accessed through itunes podcasts.

    Where was this cancellation first reported? I haven't been able to find any announcement anywhere.

    Melanie T.

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Maybe this finally will wake up some people in the LCMS to realize that whining about the woes in the Synod, sitting around with thumbs up the rear, and decrying "political solutions," is STUPID.

    It is time to get organized and take action and put the right people, in the right places, to support the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the Sacraments.

    When the finest Lutheran radio program, or media program of any kind, is canceled, it is time to hold to account those responsible for these idiotic and faithless decisions!

  7. Well it's a good thing I downloaded the programs I needed for my ethics paper! God forbid good doctrine and discussion should be continued...but deleted??? I really hope this isn't political. I can remember a certain European nation with funny mustaches....or was that just a dream?

  8. Pastor Weedon,
    You know Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwartz personally as they live in your "neck of the woods." If there is anything we can do to assist them and their families at this time, I hope you will let your readers know about it. Thanks.

    I joined an LCMS congregation at age 29 and was there for two years before I discovered Issues Etc. Pastor Wilken and Issues Etc. did what my pastor and congregation failed to do. They catechized me in Evangelical faith of the Lutheran Reformation. I am bitterly disappointed and somewhat disillusioned by today's events.

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    As of 3:36 PM the archives on IssuesEtc.net were available via the following URL:
    RW at CUW

  10. Anonymous6:25 PM

    no anymore!

  11. Anonymous9:02 PM

    How Orwellian can ya get ?

    "We'll just wipe away all traces that this shining beacon of orthodox Christianity called Issues Etc. ever existed and no one will ever notice "

    Yeah, right . C'mon people, now's the time to hold the denominational leadership's feet to the fire. There's something fishy going on here ...

    (and you have to love their timing ... let's fire Wilken and Schwartz right before Easter . Oh, so charitable ...)

  12. I am able to access the article archives at this website: http://www.mtio.com/

  13. I have about 1600 +/- hours of IE on my computer...I am trying to figure out a way to set up a website for the archived files, which will take a HUGE amount of drive space.

  14. May the Lord bless your efforts, pcdwhit, and may there be found someway to preserve the richness that show brought to us, even as we all struggle to get it back (or in a new and better venue).

  15. Anonymous5:46 AM

    All this hand-wring is fine and good, but now is the time for action.

    For too many years confessional pastors have played this little game of, "Oh,things are so bad" and then sat back, checked out of decision making processes, isolated themselves to their little groups and blogs and mailing lists and e-mail clubs and mutually bewailed Synod's woes.

    Now is the time for ACTION. Deeds, not merely creeds.

    Our Synod has a process by which we can, and must,remove the elected leadership that is doing us all such a tremendous disservice and instead put men into office who will support, not harm, the cause of the Gospel in our Synod.

    This incident should help underscore our vital it is to make a change in Synodical leadership.

    It is time for a change!
    Time to get busy.
    Time to get 'er done!!

  16. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Is the entire AM radio station being shutdown? This hostname is invalid http://www.kfuoam.org/ ---> Bad Hostname. I am in Chicago, so no way to know. I have listened to Issues, etc for 7-8 years on my iPod and will miss it greatly.

  17. Yup. The KFUO AM website appears to be down.

  18. I have the last two and a half years worth of IE mp3's up to last wed. but I really do not know how to make them available. I could ask my wife but she is so busy. What a tremendous loss, the show helped form who I am in Christ today. I emailed the fool who made this decision and I encourage all to do so as well.


  19. Does anyone know where I can download the March 2008 .mp3's?
