18 March 2008

Courtesy of Pr. David Gallas


  1. Anonymous12:13 AM

    The Issues, Etc. Archive is coming soon: www.issuesetcarchive.org

  2. This is so sad. I'm late to the situation, because we don't get the show over here, but one night a week, unless you listen on the web.

    I know when corporate heads cancel radio, there is no notice. They pull the plug usually immediately.

    Is our synod doing this? Why are they? Is it really this freaky Jesus First weird stuff?

    I am terribly saddened to hear this, especially on Passion Week. How could a synod do that to a Pastor? That is sick and cruel.

  3. Anonymous5:44 AM

    All this hand-wring is fine and good, but now is the time for action.

    For too many years confessional pastors have played this little game of, "Oh,things are so bad" and then sat back, checked out of decision making processes, isolated themselves to their little groups and blogs and mailing lists and e-mail clubs and mutually bewailed Synod's woes.

    Now is the time for ACTION. Deeds, not merely creeds.

    Our Synod has a process by which we can, and must,remove the elected leadership that is doing us all such a tremendous disservice and instead put men into office who will support, not harm, the cause of the Gospel in our Synod.

    This incident should help underscore our vital it is to make a change in Synodical leadership.

    It is time for a change!
    Time to get busy.
    Time to get 'er done!!

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Personally, I think we should all go and support the issues etc program by going to https://catalog.lcms.org/GiveNow/Gift_Input.asp?ID=144 and giving them our $.02
