18 March 2008

Funds to Support the Wilken and the Schwarz families

Can be sent to St. Paul Lutheran Church, Box 247, Hamel IL 62046. Just mark it Wilken/Schwarz Fund. Folks, they've given us so very, very much. Let's see them through this. (If Paypal is more convenient, you can also donate through that at the Wittenberg Trail). And also let's make sure that President Kieschnick, the Board of Communication Services, and KFUO know that we want to see this show returned to the air.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I am happy to report that the response at the Wittenberg trail has been very good so far.

    Some donors have been extremely generous.

    Thanks and God Bless you (snail mail works too, for those of you who who would prefer that!)

    If we all pull together we can help these guys through and springboard this seeming setback into something greater.


  2. I wonder if Todd and Jeff were given any sort of severence packages? I understand that many in the synod do receive generous packages upon their departure.

  3. I have heard long before this that Synod is rather notorious for certain strings being attached to those generous packages.

  4. Having served on a synodical board (in fact, the board that oversees KFUO) the normal practice is to make a severance package available only upon a signed agreement to never say a word about your termination.

    I imagine Todd and Jeff would like to avoid such hush money if possible.

    I can't remember how it works exactly but usually the terminated employee has a few days to think it over before signing.

  5. It sounds like we have very good reasons to make a very significant show of support for these families now. Make it so that Todd and Jeff don't have to choose a silence that burdens their conscience for the sake of their families.

  6. Anonymous5:45 AM

    All this hand-wring is fine and good, but now is the time for action.

    For too many years confessional pastors have played this little game of, "Oh,things are so bad" and then sat back, checked out of decision making processes, isolated themselves to their little groups and blogs and mailing lists and e-mail clubs and mutually bewailed Synod's woes.

    Now is the time for ACTION. Deeds, not merely creeds.

    Our Synod has a process by which we can, and must,remove the elected leadership that is doing us all such a tremendous disservice and instead put men into office who will support, not harm, the cause of the Gospel in our Synod.

    This incident should help underscore our vital it is to make a change in Synodical leadership.

    It is time for a change!
    Time to get busy.
    Time to get 'er done!!

  7. Ah.. strings. Of course.

    Good point.

  8. We must support Tood and Jeff so that they can care for their families and even consider starting another show. Issues, Etc. has been a lifesaver out here in the hinterland. Far too many LCMS pastors are just trying to get along, or worse, running scared and turning more Purpose Driven every day. Issues, Etc. teaches us how to evaluate a Gospel message.
