19 March 2008

A Most Intriguing Idea

Pastor Beisel suggests an actual protest outside the gates of the Purple Pad. How many of you are in the St. Louis area and who would be willing to join in such a protest, demanding them to "Bring Issues Back!"? It would give a chance for all us Issue fans to show our faces to each other, and maybe plan a nice get together banquet of sort afterwards to thank Pr. Wilken and Jeff for what they've done. Hmm. I admit it. I'm a boomer. A protest. It sounds so nostalgic! ;) Who would be willing to show up???


  1. Awesome.

    Of course, we Boomers love this sort of thing, even us late Boomers.

    There should be a blog protest next Tuesday on the week anniversary of the Holy Tuesday Massacre as well. Something coordinated would be cool.

  2. My wife and I live in St. Louis; if there's a rally at the SOB, we'll make every effort to be there.

  3. Well, I must not be enough of a "boomer" (Hallelujah! ;-) because I ask things like, "What does it really accomplish?" :-)

    I know, I'll tag along, take pictures, and then sell them to the highest bidder (you never know what funny poses I might catch, or whom I might capture shaking hands with one of those critters called "synodocrat" :-)

  4. What it does is this: phone calls and mail are good, but they are ultimately just an inconvenience. I want to stand outside the palace and make whoever made this decision explain himself to my face.

    Issues, Etc. did a lot of good in my life and I'm genuinely hurt. I want to hear an apology, and, Deo volente, forgive my neighbor who has sinned against me. I hate having anger in my heart.

  5. If you hold a march over a weekend, I can guarantee a good number of future church workers and other students from Concordia University Wisconsin.
    There are a great many of us up here who dearly loved Issues Etc. The tremendous witness Rev. Wilken and Mr. Schwarz gave for authentic confessional Lutheranism did much to encourage us, and I must say that since that voice is now silenced by our own Synod, we are a bit disillusioned by all of this.
    Yet we should not be suprised, for the devil will use all his schemes to silence the Gospel wherever it is proclaimed in all its purity. But despite Satan's wiles, Christ has all things in His hand, and we will still have faithful servants like Rev. Wilken, Rev. Weedon, and many others, preaching the spoken Word, and administering the visible Word to Christ's flock.

  6. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I'm willing to help drive a caravan from Minnesota! Let us know the dates and times.
    Carla Fast

  7. "Well, I must not be enough of a "boomer" (Hallelujah! ;-) because I ask things like, "What does it really accomplish?" :-)"

    How sad that they don't teach anything about the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War in school! Perhaps you might think of things like the American Revolution or the Reformation.

    Visible protests also draw media attention, the very thing that synodocrats fear the most.

  8. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I'm In! Or should I say we're in! We live on the east side, so an easy half hour trip. Our family is having a difficult time coming to terms with this. We are learning a lot about frustration,and praying for peace. We all know that God will use this for His glory, in His time. Perhaps the fact that we have not been given any kind of real answer is contributing to all of these emotions welling up within us. Is this my Church doing this? The Church I have been a part of since I was baptized at 6 wks of age?

  9. Sign me up! I'm a Calvinist who loves Issues Etc. I'd be happy to round up my Reformed brethren in St. Charles, Mo and go down to the LCMS headquarters to protest.

    We would be delighted to stand with our Lutheran brothers and sisters in fighting to save this unique and wonderful show. I'm not sure what to do with my afternoon's now, not to mention Sunday nights!

    We must make our disapproval known in a strong manner. Long live Wilkin and Schwarz!!!

  10. It's an 8 1/2 hour drive for me, but you can count me in as well, as long as it's on a weekend and I have enough notice.

    I will also be sending my Reformation Club donations to the Wilken/Schwarz fund.

  11. Dont single out protests to the boomers! Im only 24, and Ive spent some time protesting a war! I would love to be involved in this.

  12. I'd be happy to go and based on an email I got from Tim Townsend a little while ago, I think the St. Louis Post-Dispatch would be happy to tag along, too.

  13. http://www.petitiononline.com/Issues/petition.html

  14. i could consider, depending when it is...i'm 12 hours away

  15. Name the date and the time.

  16. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I have already inquired what it would cost to rent the billboards closest to the IC and I think a slew of signs like one sees at election time, and perhaps all protesters wearing the "I have Issues" Tee shirts that the show distributed would top it off. If we could create a visible presence I guarantee the local media would take note and someone official would be asked to respond. I think this has to be a PR fiasco for the IC heads. We could do it. I will let you all know when we get the billboard prices from the company. I think perhaps a billboad in black and white, "What happened to Issues Etc.? For answers ask Jerry @. . ." and then put the appropriate email or phone numbers for the IC.

    Yard signs could simply say, I have Issues. or something like that in Black and White.

    Let's get organized and set a date and time.

  17. Guys, I really think it would be a great idea. Timewise, though, we've had several people talk about weekends. Of course, on weekend, the Purple Pad is basically empty. We could still do it on one of those days if we could get the bigger crowds over the weekend (and I think we would). Maybe some folks from the IC - I'm think Pastor Harrison - could even join our protest! I'm sure he'd be happy to tell the media why it's a sad day when Issues, Etc. was silenced. The question is how soon could we pull it off, and could we organize a place to gather afterwards for a banquet type deal (maybe a fundraiser itself for Jeff and Pr. Wilken)? I'll be upfront: I am not very good at organizational things like this. Where's Karl Gregory when I need him????

  18. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I wish I lived closer so I could go along.

    If you do this make sure you get the media involved (Post Dispatch).

  19. Anonymous9:56 PM

    We are hoping that Colleen Carol Campbell will write something in the Post Dispatch.

    I will have to find a way if it is going down. Although, being a child of Detroit, someone will have to teach me about "civil" disobedience, rather than the type I am used to.

  20. Anonymous10:02 PM

    I'll be there in spirit and prayer. As much as I'd love to make the trip down from North Dakota, it's a bit far.

  21. You boomers and your protests....it's cute, really!

    In this case, I think organizing something would help, though. Usually protests these days are not very effective, (I live in the San Francisco area, trust me), but this might work.

    I might even fly out there. How's that for a threat.

  22. Tracy,

    You fly out, you have to stay with us!!!

  23. Rev. Weedon,

    I don't know Rev Wilken or Mr. Schwarz personally, but I've been wondering if they would even want to do this (Issues, ETC) again? I can't imagine being indiscriminately fired, during Holy Week, and wanting to go back.

    Do you know if either have had time to think about going it alone? Wouldn't everyone who financially supported IE still be able to do so if they were solo?


    -Weslie Odom

  24. My husband and I live in Chicagoland. We would do our best to make the drive to St. Louis for something like this. And Pastor Cwirla has the right idea (same one as my husband)--the media need to be alerted to any protest.

  25. I was also curious if Jeff and Pastor Wilken would be willing to go back to KFUO or not.

    I think the protest is a great idea. I must have a boomer spirit. Maybe I was just born too late.

    I think the signs could say "I had Issues, buy my synod took them away."

  26. I'm going to check flights.....I haven't even flown in YEARS, so I have no idea what it costs.

    Not afraid of it, just didn't have anywhere to go!

    P-Dub, I may just crash on your couch!

    Hey Cwirla, you going from CA?

  27. Tamara, I love the sign idea!

    "I joined the LCMS for it's Issues"...

    "I started with Issues, and all I was left with was...."

    OK, don't get me started.


  28. We live in St. Louis and would be willing to organize housing for those people coming from out of town. We have guest beds and I'm sure other Issues supporters in the area would open their homes as well. If people knew that housing (and even meals) were free we might get more to come. This is the least we can do.

  29. Pastor, I'll be there in spirit. BTW, anyone who wishes to copy and use the "Bring Back Issues, Etc." banners I've put on my blog is more than welcome to do so.

  30. Where is this Purple Palace, anyway?

    Where am I flying into?

    Can I bring my carpet scraper?

    Hey, we can do this protest SF style, if you want. Mega phone, bandannas over the face, and we girls can stop shaving for a week....

  31. Wow! What a response. I'm not even a boomer either. But I do have a rebellious spirit in me.

    The best idea mentioned yet is a fundraising rally. I'd be there for sure. It doesn't even have to be at the IC. We could do it at a church, and pray Vespers and have someone preach. I'm all for it. Let's sing some hymns in protest (maybe pray a few imprecatory psalms while we're at it). :)

  32. We could do it on April Fool's day!

  33. I'm in Minnesota. Let me know if this comes together and I'll consider it.

    I love the fundraiser banquet and Vespers idea.

  34. We could do it on April Fool's day!

    Well okay. I'd have to take a couple days off work, but if a weekday would be best for everyone, I'd give being there my best shot. Even if Pr. Wilken and Mr. Schwarz don't want to go back to KFUO. I also love the fund raiser and Vespers idea.

  35. I wish I could go!!

    I'm still secretly hoping that this is the LCMSs idea of an April Fools joke and they say "just kidding" any minute now....

  36. Protesting is a GREAT idea. Forget the local media, a protest of this magnitude would draw the NATIONAL media. And Kieschnick certainly wouldn't like that, nor would any of his cronies.

    My husband and I, and a LOT of our friends here in Wichita, KS, would probably make the weekend trip up to St. Louis for this, but doing it on April Fool's Day probably would not be taken as seriously as it should be.

    ...Although, I could hear Katie Couric saying, "It's no April Fool's Day joke, the members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod are angry with their leadership. A popular radio program has been cancelled and its hosts terminated, all without reasonable explanation. Now, hundreds of them have gathered for a protest at the LCMS headquarters in St. Louis."

    It's about an 8-hour drive for us, but we'd go. I'd even talk to some of my media contacts here (I'm a journalist, btw) to make sure it made headlines.

    Let us know times, dates, possible accommodations, etc., and ways that we could contribute financially to such a gathering.

  37. Oh, I think it won't cost me less than 350-400 dollars. Poo. No cheap flights right now!

    Not sure I can do it. :-(

  38. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Hey boomers, can we have our church back now? Jerry keeps saying "this is not your father's church." Actually, this is my father's church. I'm looking for my grandfather's church!

    Keep up the good fight. I'll be there with you in spirit at your protest.

  39. Hey, I'm on spring break now and too far away to do anything, but I'll be back at my MN college again as of this coming Monday. If groups are going down from Minnesota, I would love it if we could get a few people picked up from Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato, MN.

    (Meanwhile, selfishly advertising my blog again, I've added info about this proposed protest to my big all-inclusive IE reference post. I hope my blog can be of use.)


  40. Whatever day it is, you gotta make sure the SP and the BCS director are in house though. It's not as effective if they aren't there.

  41. Anonymous7:29 AM

    just name the date and time, and I'll be there if possible.
    some signs could say, "whatever appened to 'let charity and love prevail'" or "Ephesians 6:9"

  42. I would prefer to do it on a weekday when people are actually there. I want to look them in the face.

  43. ...in addition, many of us are pastors, organists, sunday school teachers, etc. Asking us to travel over a weekend would mean we would have to abandon our posts that Sunday.

  44. Anonymous11:39 AM

    We have a small bus full just tell us when. Seriously keep us in the loop. office@gracolumbus.org

  45. I agree with Katherine. If it is on a weekday, I would love to be there.

  46. Anonymous1:43 PM

    You can sign me up! I'm up for a spring road trip to St. Louis. Hey......maybe we can find the old Seminex crosses in the basement of the Purple Palace.

  47. What you need is to come up with a LIST of protests (because this program cancellation is just a symptom) and nail to them to the door. Yep.

  48. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Just make sure it's not April 12th, because I'm going to be at another protest then (yes, I'm serious!)

  49. Anonymous4:41 PM

    There are thousands of people dying in a war. You're going to protest the cancellation of a radio program? You gotta love the "Boomers".

  50. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Actually, the Seminex crosses are in the basement of Concordia Historical Institute...

    Maybe they'd let you borrow them?

  51. I'm sure I don't have to tell a bunch of "boomers" this, but make sure you get your permits in order. Just sayin'.

  52. Question:

    What would the protest be protesting?

    Would it be just against the cancelation off the show, or against the leadership or several things?

    A defined scope is needed so that people don't show up and find they are protesting more, or less, than they bargained for.

  53. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Amidst hurt, anger, and disappointment, I fail to see what a protest will accomplish except deepen the wounds already open. The last time there was a protest in the LCMS was Walk-Out; the Walk-Out was simply a media-frenzy for liberal historical critics. It didn't accomplish much except that a righteous remnant remained at the seminary (i.e. the unrighteous left). What would a protest now accomplish? In this case, the protesters would be the righteous remnant (i.e. the unrighteous holds the power).

    I first I thought about the 1974 white crosses (as others have noted), but because of the reversed righteous remnant roles, that might not a good way to proceed.

    I know I just deconstructed the proposal in my own way, and I should be able to offer something different but I can't at the moment. Hopefully there is a better way to proceed.

    I love Issues Etc. and other KFUO programing. I pray for resolution, Deo volente. (but then again the Reformers hoped for resolution ... but then again the Saxon Lutherans hoped for resolution ...)

  54. People die in wars almost daily. If this is the criteria, then we can't protest anything else at all. Perhaps Luther should have been more concerned about the social injustice of his day, rather than the Gospel! Please! This is the wickedness of liberalism.

  55. If you stage a meet-up of Confessional Lutherans across the nation, I will be as jealous as hell. :)

    Seriously, as I noted on fatherdmj's blog, the national audience that is Issues, Etc.'s would be sorely underrepresented by just the IE listeners in the St. Louis area.

    Meet-up, with Vespers? Go for it, Sing "Behold a Host, Arrayed in White" and Thaxted for me. And forgive my jealousy.

    But protest at Galactic Headquarters? I think it would diminish the situation. We need to do things a spread-out base can do: emails, phone calls, inform our congregations, send delegates to the next convention.

    And move near some oil wells so that I can come visit on business and blog about ya!


  56. Perhaps we could all protest our own District offices.

  57. I see orthodoxy hunter had more or less suggested what I asked about with his list of protests thought.

    Apologies for not catching that.

  58. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I find this cancelling of Issues, Etc. to be abominable and am vexed as to the nature of the Synod's silence on the matter. As time passes, I hope that more light is shed on the situation. My prayers are with Pastor Wilkin and Jeff.

    That said, I would absolutely find it meet and right to protest this act at the Seminary. If a time is set, I will be sure to attend.

    -Chris Ridenour
    Messiah Lutheran, Lebanon

  59. Dan @ Necessary Roughness,

    Perhaps those who cannot make it to the Palace can go to their district HQs on the same day instead?

  60. Daniel,

    "she" - I'm a girl. ;)


  61. orthodoxy hunter,

    Then I stand corrected and humbly beg your pardon for a second time! :-)

  62. I'm all for a good protest, but I would beg that we go into this with our eyes wide open and consider our opposition and their possible reasons for taking the course of action they have chosen. I would love to see us focus our energies into a well prepared effort.

    Perhaps I am small minded, but I have not been able to put a best construction on this situation. For me it has been like trying to put a best construction on the rape of a child; there is no best construction.

    One of the initial thoughts that crossed my mind was whether the LCMS wanted to close or sell KFUO. If this is true or possible, perhaps it bears consideration? Perhaps we need to consider different possibilities and not be afraid of using a businessman's worst case scenario/ risk management planning? In my attempts to address this situation without using my worst case scenario, I have posted these types of comments in other places:

    It seems to me that the LCMS doesn't realize that they are cutting their own throat. Without Issues Etc., KFUO cannot operate in the black. They will soon begin to see red and have to close KFUO. Do they realize that this is the death knell of KFUO?

    In a way, it is blackly humorous since they've chosen to bite on Marketing 101 as the culturally relevant way of selling the gospel a la Ablaze (tm) but forgot Business Basics 101's warnings to consider the latent consequences of your actions before implementing new policies. Will the LCMS be stepping into a trap of their own making in this latest piece of nonsense? I believe so.

    Too bad that the LCMS cannot see that Issues Etc. equips the saints to share the gospel and Ablaze (tm) is just a bunch of hot air.

    Fortunately, our LORD is not deaf nor blind nor helpless. May His will be done and may He give us the wisdom, strength, and courage to carry out His will.

  63. I have connections to the LCMS Headquarters in Kirkwood, MO (including a friend that knows Jeff personally) and have been researching this issue. Essentially, based on what I've learned, it sounds like President Kieschnick has been trying to have Issue Etc removed from the air for a while. Several people on the board are supporters of Issues Etc and have been in a constant battle attempting to prevent Issues Etc from being removed. The primary reason that I was told is that President Kieschnick is a big supporter of the church growth movement while Rev. Todd has frequently pointed out that focusing on church growth takes the focus off of Christ.

    In addition, the email that I've been seeing for President Kieschnick is president@lcms.org. This is a generic address and I'm not sure if he actually checks it or if his assistant does.

    He can be emailed directly at KieschGB@lcms.org.

  64. Augh.........Pelagrin, you are moving towards my worst case scenario. :(

  65. May I offer 3 texts that seem worth consideration?

    Matthew 10:16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues."

    Luke 16:8 "And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light."

    2 Timothy 4;14-15 "Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds. Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching."

  66. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Re Susan's comment about a possible sale of KFUO: see the Synod's Board of Director's Feb 08 minutes...it looks like that might be a potential scenario:

    http://www.lcms.org/graphics/assets/media/Board_Of_Directors/BOD%20Minutes%200802.pdf (see pgs 21-22)

    Also note that "executive session" was used when discussion of KFUO came up (i.e. no minutes and considered confidential)

  67. This just some thinking out loud and hoping it helps us think things through:

    I have read on a couple of blogs that synodical president Gerald Kieschnick said: “The KFUO decision transpired with my awareness but neither by my order nor at my direction."

    If this is true ...my reading of the statement by Kieschnick makes me think that removing Issues Etc. has been in the planning stages with K’s knowledge and passive approval for some period of time. The fact that there was no programming prepared to replace Issues, makes me think that something happened to expedite the plan prematurely.

    I wonder if they were planning to replace Issues with evangelical style programs that promote the Ablaze program and other similar agendas. It would make KFUO indistinguishable from other Christian radio stations...:(

    As I continue to read the blogs on this subject, I wonder if there is a tendency to try to put a best construction on a situation where it is not wise to do so. There are a lot of facts available that waddle like a duck and quack like a duck. I think it might be wise to recognize that we’re looking at a duck and prepare accordingly.

  68. Lastly, I offer a copy of a post from the Wittenberg Trail blog that may be useful:

    From today's LCMS News Online, here's an announcement of two new appointments to the BCS. Maybe the contact info in the last paragraph could be helpful.

    Heine, Biggs begin work in new BCS posts

    James H. Heine of St. Louis and Vicki Biggs of Eureka, Mo., are serving in new positions with the Synod's Board for Communication Services (BCS).

    Heine, 57, is the new managing editor of the LCMS magazine, The Lutheran Witness.

    Heine had been the magazine's interim managing editor since July 2007, and began serving in the post permanently Jan. 16. He succeeds Don Folkemer, who retired last June after serving eight years.

    For the past decade, Heine has been principal of Editorial Solutions, a communications firm he founded in 1997. He has more than 30 years experience as a writer and editor, including nearly 20 years as an editor at Concordia Publishing House. He also is the author of two children's books and the editor of a book on church communications.

    "To become the managing editor of The Lutheran Witness is a great blessing and an extraordinary opportunity to again serve the church and our faith," Heine said.

    Biggs, 47, began serving in July as the department's director of media relations and public affairs, succeeding David Strand, who now serves as BCS executive director. She joined the Communications staff in March 2006, and had served most recently as its manager of Public Affairs/Media Relations.

    Before joining the BCS, Biggs had 19 years of experience in marketing, communications, public relations, special events, and administrative management for various businesses and organizations in the St. Louis area, including Big Brothers Big Sisters.

    "It is a joy to serve the Lord as we work to communicate the news of LCMS ministry nationally and around the world," Biggs said. "I appreciate the opportunity I've been given with this position, and I look forward to working with this fine team to grow the Synod's public relations function.

    To contact Heine, call (314) 996-1212 or send an e-mail to jim.heine@lcms.org; Biggs is available at (314) 996-1236 or vicki.biggs@lcms.org.

  69. Here is some more info that may be pertinent regarding the current prevalent attitudes in the LCMS. This is a copy of a blog comment from the WT and I hope that posting various blog comments here in one place (from scattered places) is a help for everyone:

    I have made several phone calls to LCMS "Corporate" as they like to call it . I have also received an e-mail from a very reliable source and this is the information that I received. David Strand, from the Board of Communications, states that this decision is his and his alone and the President K had nothing to do with it. Now this leads to 2 logical conclusions. #1 We either have a "lone ranger" who is running around making his own decisions or #2 we have a President who is flexing his muscles and Strand is covering for him. Right now, I am looking at option #2 for several reasons. When I called LCMS Corporate and asked, "What about people who have donated money to Issues?" they said that your money will be reimbursed by the LCMS Foundation. They gave me a lady's number and her extension. You mean to tell me that David Strand has the authority to open up the purse strings and this is happening without the knowledge of President K and his staff. I don't buy it! I hope that the truth is option #1 and President Kieschneck will reprimand Mr. Strand and reinstate Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwartz (if they are even willing) and explain that decisions were made without his knowledge. But I fear that option #2 is closer to reality and the political machine of the presidency is flexing for all of us to see. Let us pray that our beloved Synod will come clean and explain to her members and Pastors these unconscionable actions. Let us pray that they would speak the truth and protect reputations. Let us pray that they would speak the truth in love.

  70. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I don't want Seminex 2.

    I don't want the people who are in the wrong to be left in power.

  71. Does the BCS next meet April 16-17? Right there in St. Louis?

  72. And don't forget Sharathon is that week too!


  73. In regards to the Share-a-Thon, everyone here should take a look at the response Pr. Chaz Lehmann sent in. He mentions the "timeliness" of the station's request for money, and what they can do with that request. Don't worry, his response is clean. :)

    And in response to the "wrong people" being in power, it will be that way until Kieschnick is replaced with someone who is actually faithful to the Scriptures instead of church growth and nondenominational/other-denomination BS. I fear it may never change, and all of us who are confessional will have to find another alternative. But that remains to be seen.

  74. Oops! Here is the link to Pr. Lehmann's post: http://chaz-lehmann.livejournal.com/677270.html

  75. I like the idea of making Black Tuesday discussed widely throughout the Synod and even among all Christians. This is a public evil. I hope, for example, that it is discussed on the White Horse Inn and have asked Shane and Co. to not only to pray and support Jeff and Pr. Todd, but also to discuss this development as they would any example of "Christless Christianity", like Joel Osteen or the Church Growth Movement. The one thing that beauracrats seem to care about is public relations or the opinions of men. Bad press.

    Last spring, Pastor Feuerhahn gently rebuked us all during the CCA conference in Sussex that the spirit in which we express our concerns is very important. He addressed one brother in particular, but I believe his words applied to us all: "Listen to yourself. How do you think you sound?" I know that I needed and continue to need that rebuke. I like the idea of a protest or rally, but I hope that it is thought and prayed through wisely.

    'Rally' and 'protest' do have some negative connotations. If it is anything that baby boomers would like, then maybe this is reason enough to rethink it or at least to consider our diction. What we call things matters.

    Because of what today is, I thought of vigil. Why not call it a vigil, which is sometimes held when a person is gravely ill or dying. Candles wouldn't be bad, along the lines of votives, though I am not sure how that works with Lutherans. Wikipedia: "Vigils extend from eventual death to burial, ritualistically to pray for a loved one, but more practically so they are never alone."

    This seems to fit.


  76. PS. Please schedule it on a Saturday, so that we folks up here in Michigan can come down!

    Go Blue!

  77. Any Friday or Saturday and hope to bring a few of my students. Think not just protest but Issues Etc. restoration with "TW" and Jeff back at the helm. March archives are now listed but still undownloadable. A seminarian I know said the program on women pastors was not what Synod guess who? wanted to hear. No justification before God for the sins of Holy Tuesday, Mar. 18.

  78. How about a 4-day-weekend demonstration? Whoever can make it on Friday, great! Is the weekend better for you? Super! Just GO! That's what's important, right?

  79. IIn case you haven't already seen this, this looked useful to help determine what all we're protesting...it's from WT:

    Interesting analysis of the KFUO situation and Ablaze(tm) using the LCMS BOD minutes


  80. P.S. Here's a snippet copied from the above link:

    Scenario 1: A comprehensive operations, programmatic, and financial plan for engagement of KFUO AM and FM in support of the mission of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities, and the world.

    Scenario 2: A comprehensive communications, programmatic, and financial plan for allocation of net assets realized from the sale, realignment, joint venturing, or other type of divestiture or reallocation of KFUO AM and FM assets in support of the Synod's mission

  81. If anyone is interested, Chris Rosebrough has set up a website looking at the current situation in our synod - Is the LCMS Being "Transitioned" into a Seeker-Sensitive Denomination? I think he is spot on in his thoughts and as one wise sage said:

    "Chris is a heavy lifter when it comes to thinking, theologically trained with an MBA and a razor sharp intellect....Chris knows about which he writes. He's spent years studying, analyzing, dissecting, and hammering all that purpose-driven ooze emanating from Saddleback Mountain."


  82. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Now that the FACTS have come out. Maybe it's time a few of you apologized to Mr. Strand and the administration?
