11 March 2008

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

Looking at original sin as God's Word and our Church teaches us to regard it, we shall:

See its true character, and deplore the misery it has wrought.

We shall go to Christ, the great Physician, to be healed of it, and to the Holy Spirit, who, by His own means, Baptism and the Word, applies for Christ the remedy we need; taking of the things that are Christ's, and making them ours.

We shall be led to maintain a continual struggle against it; we shall watch, pray, and strive, knowing that through grace we are already redeemed from its curse; that by the same grace we shall more and more be redeemed here from its power, and at last be wholly purged of it, and shall form a part of that Church, loved and glorious, which shall show no spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but shall stand before her Lord holy and without blemish.

And now in the language in which the incomparable Gerhard closes his discussion of original sin, let our words be:

"To Him that hath died for us, that sin might die in us; to Him who came that He might destroy the works of the devil, and might restore to us the blessings lost by the Fall; to Jesus Christ our Savior, be praise, honor, and glory, world without end. Amen!"

--C.P. Krauth, *The Conservative Reformation* pp. 454,455

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