30 March 2008

Reminder: Annunciation

St. Paul's will celebrate the Divine Service for the Annunciation of Our Lord this Wednesday at 6:15. As noted earlier, the day is transferred out of Easter Week to a week day following the Second Sunday of Easter according to LSB rubrics.

The Angel Gabriel from heaven came,
His wings as drifted snow, His eyes as flame,
All hail to thee, thou lowly Maiden Mary:
Most highly favored Lady:

For know a blessed mother thou shalt be,
All generations laud and honor thee.
Thy Son shall be Immanuel by seers foretold.
Most highly favored Lady:

O Lord, as we have known the incarnation of Your Son, Jesus Christ, by the message of the angel to the Virgin Mary, so by the message of His cross and passion bring us to the glory of His resurrection!


  1. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I love the Greek name for the day: Evangelism!

    Kinda puts the whole Church Growth Movement into perspective. The Blessed Virgin is "gospelled," and a Babe is conceived through the ear.

  2. Amen, Aaron. And that really is also the point of the English name too. We are sent with the same joyful Announcement: God has become flesh of the Virgin and having been crucified as the sacrifice for the world, He lives forever in a life that can never be taken away from Him as the source of our eternal salvation.

    "May Thy body, Lord, born of Mary, that our sins and sorrows did carry, and Thy blood for us plead, in all trial, fear and need. O Lord, have mercy!"
