12 March 2008


Home altar blessing and short visit and cup of tea with Philip and Darlene + Pericopal Study led by Pr. Tim Landskroener who gave us a number of good things to think over about Easter's gospel + Lunch where we discussed various and sundry for quite a while + Hospital calls in St. Louis to see Rich and Ganyn + Walk with the beautiful Cindi on this beautiful day + Bite to eat + Divine Service + Hymn Sing + Passion Vespers + brief visit after service + Home

A wonderful day - today was springlike around here - and much of it was spent in study or preaching of the Word - how sweet is that? But Lent is drawing to a close. Much as I love Easter and its joys, I will miss Lent and its disciplines.


  1. Nobody can stop you from continuing some of those disciplines. AFTER Easter, of course, not during.


  2. Cindi and I have been talking about this and we intend to keep to them - with great joy!
