25 March 2008

Where'd Annunciation go?

The custom is to transfer Annunication out of the Easter Octave if it falls within it. Thus, at St. Paul's, we'll observe Annunication next Wednesday at our midweek Eucharist.


  1. Though normally Feasts of the Master always trump Feasts of the Mother of God in the Typikon of St. Sabbas, Annunciation is an interesting 'exception'. On the Old Calendar it is possible for Pascha to fall on March 25. Instead of Annunciation being transferred, however, it is combined with the Paschal services for "Kyrio Pascha" (the Lord's Pascha) which, as I understand it, means that both services are done in full side by side with neither service's hymns taking precedence and 'bumping' the other.

    (Of course, this could be due to the fact that Annunciation (Conception of Christ) is kind of like the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple that are classified as Feasts of the Theotokos thought the Lord figures prominently - as is always appropriate).

  2. Thanks for this note. I was wondering myself about this.

  3. Interesting. I wasn't aware of that rubric, so we observed it this evening. I trust I will be forgiven for taking that liberty!

  4. It is not explicit but implied in the rubric under Annunciation on page 960 of the Altar Book: "...may be transferred to a week day following the Second Sunday of Easter."

    But, Fr., being a Lutheran, you can rejoice in Fr. Fenton's infamous and invariable rubric #1. ;)

  5. "I trust I will be forgiven for taking that liberty!"

    No sin, no need for forgiveness.

    "One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike. Let every one be fully convinced in his own mind." (Rom 14:5)

  6. Further disclosing my ignorance: what is Fenton's infamous first rubric?

  7. Sorry - thought that story had made it around the net a time or two. At one of the Commission on Worship meetings, chaired by Pittelko, Fenton in a pique of frustration moved that the first rubric to every service read: The rubrics are purely optional; do whatever the hell you want. This was seconded by Peter Bender. Bishop Pittelko suggested they were out of order, though, and that was the end of that. Great story, eh?

  8. That's interesting, thank you.

    And, also interesting how it is handled according to the Eastern Rite, thank you Christopher.

  9. We celebrated the Annunciation yesterday in Chapel here at the Fort. Drs. Grime and Senkbeil did a worthy job of tieing together the two feasts, and Senkbeil's sermon/homily was very good.

  10. That is a great story! Thanks for enlightening me.
