14 April 2008

CID Pastors Weigh In!

Proposed Resolution for the CID Pastors’ Conference

WHEREAS, the "Issues, Etc." radio program on KFUO-AM, St. Louis, has been a great blessing to many of the pastors and laity of the Central Illinois District; and

WHEREAS, pastors and people are at a loss to understand the decision to cancel a show that winsomely engaged the culture and offered a distinctly Lutheran perspective on the issues of the day; and

WHEREAS, the LCMS has embarked on a mission "to reach at least 100 million people worldwide with the Good News of Jesus by 2017"; and

WHEREAS, Issues, Etc. was a popular and effective tool for reaching people with the Good News of Jesus; and

WHEREAS, official explanations for the show's cancellation have not satisfied or answered the concerns of many; and

WHEREAS, there is extensive public support for the continuation of Issues, Etc.; and

WHEREAS, we wish to demonstrate pastoral concern for Rev. Todd Wilken, the show's host and Mr. Jeffrey Schwarz, the show's producer;

Therefore be it:

RESOLVED, that the Pastoral Conference of the Central Illinois District gathered in solemn assembly at Springfield, Illinois this fourteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord 2008, give thanks and praise to God for the ministry of Issues, Etc. and the hard work of Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwarz, and be it finally

RESOLVED, that the Pastoral Conference of the Central Illinois District officially petitions the Board of Communications Services to revisit the decision by its Executive Director, David Strand, to cancel Issues, Etc. and also petitions the Board to reinstate both Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwarz to their positions, and restore the ministry of Issues, Etc.

Respectfully Submitted,
The pastors of the Lincoln Circuit



  1. Anonymous10:47 PM


    Another District doing the right thing.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Any chance at this concerning Issues & KFUO?

    Full Financial Disclosure
    1.5.4 The Synod and each of its agencies shall fully disclose their financial
    books and records to any member congregation of the Synod.
    (a) Full disclosure includes all information (including, but not limited
    to, information required to be made available under state law)
    recorded in any fashion, except the following:
    (1) Information that would violate the expected confidentiality of
    (2) Personnel files or other information that would violate the
    expected confidentiality of employees.
    (3) Information that relates to in-process negotiations of financial
    (4) Information the disclosure of which would breach a legal
    obligation of the Synod or its agencies or affect pending litigation
    or claims against the Synod or its agencies.
    (5) Information that is preliminary in nature or otherwise has
    not been finalized in its form and content.
    (b) Salaries of elected officers of the Synod, as identified in
    Constitution Art. X A, shall be published annually in an official periodical.
    (c) The accounting department of the Synod shall publish annually in
    an official periodical an invitation to request full, audited financial
    statements and summary operating budgets of the Synod or its agencies.
    (d) The Synod and its agencies shall share, upon request, the quarterly
    financial statements as reported to the respective governing
    (e) All information produced for normal publication or distribution
    shall be provided free of charge.
    (f) Requests for detailed financial information or the inspection of
    financial records shall be made in writing to the respective corporate
    boards by a member congregation and shall state the records desired
    and the time period to be covered.
    (1) All responses to requests for information involving research
    or compilation shall be billed to the member on the basis of actual
    (2) Any inspection of financial records shall be done by (a) member(
    s) of the congregation or its stated authorized agent at a
    mutually agreeable time and place.
    (3) The board may decline to provide the information requested if
    the board can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that
    the member congregation’s request is with the specific intent to
    cause harm to the Synod or one of its agencies or with the sole
    intent of deliberately and significantly disrupting the operations
    and affairs of the Synod or one of its agencies.
    (4) Any declination to provide information or decision to limit
    inspection shall be explained in writing.
    (5) Challenges to any board decisions declining to provide information
    or to limit inspection may be reviewed under the Synod’s
    dispute resolution process

  3. Anonymous8:12 AM

    The SD District pastor's passed something similiar.

    The Dali Lutheran

  4. Happy dance, happy dance... my Pastor was there.

  5. Great! I was wondering when our district would do this.
