18 April 2008

Interesting Bit from Mollie

Here is a rather curious exchange between our intrepid reporter and the Missouri District President. Another question I'd like answers to is why he permits a congregation in his district to plant a "satellite site" in the Southern Illinois District?


  1. What satellite churches have been planted in SID from the Missouri District?

  2. A LCMS congregation in Fort Collins is about to plant a satellite in Cheyenne, WY.

    Pastors in WY are asking Randy Golter the same question.

  3. Where did this church satellite thing come from? Is it even biblical to start a church satellite?

  4. Those are outstanding questions. The answer to the second is most likely, "No." I don't have much hope of ever learning the answer to the first.

  5. What is a church satellite?

    It was an interesting post by Mollie, as you said. More interesting, to me, were the comments. Yikes!

  6. Church Growth Band-in-front-of-the-Altar type of churches not only cross district lines, but also from one circuit to another. They think that people in the area around a Divine Service type of church are prospects. They think that they are doing things right and those hymnal type of churches are wrong.

  7. They usually like to start these type of churches not too far from liturgical/sacramental churches (by way of contrast?). This reminds me of the Baptist woman who visited a Lutheran service and was bothered that they did not use the hymnals during the service. The irony is that the Lutheran Church where this took place did not use the hymnals in order to appeal to Baptists and others like her. The hardest part about all of this is when they honestly believe that they are "saving" the Church or moving it ahead by doing these kinds of things.

  8. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Pr. Lehmann said...

    "A LCMS congregation in Fort Collins is about to plant a satellite in Cheyenne, WY."

    Well, Charlie, you'd better stop making those church planting plans, then! :)

    Oh wait, it's not your church that's planning on doing it, is it? :)

    George Naylor

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    It is Faith in Oakville, MO that is planning on a new 'multi-site' worship center in Columbia, IL. Oakville in Missouri District and Columbia in SID. Just for those asking.
