27 April 2008

Old Lutheran Quote of the Day

Theology is infinite wisdom because it can never be fully learned. Martin Luther [WA 40/III:63,17f]


  1. I was just talking to a friend about this. My two most recent blog posts are about insights God has given me into the Scriptures lately that should have been self-evident for years.

    I'm daily shocked that they actually ordained me. ;-)

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    On a similar note:
    "No one can measure His majestic power, still less tell the full tale of all His mercies. Man can neither increase nor diminish them, nor fathom the wonders of the LORD. When a man comes to the end of them he is still at the beginning, and when he has finished he will still be perplexed. Ecclesiasticus (Sirach) 18:5-7
