08 April 2008

Resolution Adopted by the Pastoral Conference of the Southern Illinois District

WHEREAS, the "Issues, Etc." radio program on KFUO-AM, St. Louis, has been a great blessing to many of the pastors and laity of the Southern Illinois District; and

WHEREAS, pastors and people are at a loss to understand the decision to cancel a show that winsomely engaged the culture and offered a distinctly Lutheran perspective on the issues of the day; and

WHEREAS, official explanations for the show's cancellation have not satisfied or answered the concerns of many, and

WHEREAS, there is extensive public support for the continuation of Issues, Etc., and

WHEREAS, we wish to demonstrate pastoral concern for Rev. Todd Wilken, the show's host (a member of the Southern Illinois District) and Mr. Jeffrey Schwarz, the show's producer, (a member of a Southern Illinois District congregation);

Therefore be it:

RESOLVED, that the Pastoral Conference of the Southern Illinois District gathered in solemn assembly at Wartburg, Illinois this eighth day of April, in the year of our Lord 2008, give thanks and praise to God for the ministry of Issues, Etc. and the hard work of Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwarz, and be it finally

RESOLVED, that Pastoral Conference of the Southern Illinois District officially petition the Board of Communications Services to revisit the decision by its Executive Director, David Strand, to cancel Issues, Etc. and also petition the Board to reinstate both Pastor Wilken and Mr. Schwarz to their positions, restore the ministry of Issues, Etc., and make a public apology for the offense this cancellation has caused.

Adopted 4/8/2008


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    This statement is very encouraging, but for those of us that don't fully understand the synodical structure, what do resolutions such as this one accomplish? If enough districts pass similar resolutions, could that force the synod to reverse their decision to cancel Issues, Etc., or apologize, or some other action?

    Do these resolutions have any sort of power?

  2. I share such concerns as you too, Robin. I was wondering the same things.

  3. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Sadly, no, these resolutions have no official power within the synod. They only can express disapproval of the synod's actions. The only way they can attain any official power is if they are presented as overtures to the synodical convention & then actually manage to make it to the synodical convention, which of course will never happen, & then if they are passed by the synod in convention.

    But they are not worthless. The actions of districts & pastors' conferences can influence the movers & shakers to realize that their actions are out of synch with the position of the synod's members. Plus, they are in some sense a statement of confession over against synod's actions.

  4. Anonymous8:30 AM


  5. Pr. Weedon,

    I would like to thank you, all of the other SID pastors, and your district president for taking a public stand. The more I learn about the SID and how your district president has not accepted the Ablaze program into your district, the more my respect and appreciation grows. Thank you one and all for your faithfulness.

  6. I sent a note to Herb this morning thanking him for this resolution. I received a very gracious reply.

    Thanks to all of you in the SID. I love you guys! (Even Kettner!)

  7. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I can't tell you how pleased I was to see this, as a member of the LCMS, the SID, and Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Wartburg.

  8. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Kettner wasn't there, Lehmann. but I'm sure he loves you too. btw, I was recently reminded of a Pastor's Conference at Belleville during your vicarage year when you had a LCMS bingo card... I saw something extremely similar on a pseudonymous website a few days ago

  9. Wow. Interesting. I've not posted my bingo card anywhere. ;-)

    But I'm sorry to hear Kettner wasn't there. Who entertained Weedon?

    I got to see Kettner at Symposia. He's one of my favorite rectilinearists, though Wolfmueller has edged him out for the #1 spot.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    On the 9th of April, the South Dakota District Spring Pastors' Conference passed a similar resolution.


  11. Anonymous1:48 PM

    it was an 8 am to 7 pm one day conference, so no time to talk about burning bushes and such. Besides, for 3 of those hours, Weedon was busy playing keyboard for Matins, DS4 and Vespers (no more non-LSB offices like at Belleville!)

  12. Anonymous2:54 AM

    LCMS Constitution 1.5.4
