28 April 2008

So Nice...

...to have Cindi and Bekah back home. Sadly, David had to work tonight, but Dave joined us and we had a great dinner (that I slaved over, I'll have you know - thank heavens for the deli at our beloved DK's!!!). We had two roasted chickens, fresh grapes, asparagus, cheddar cheese extra sharp, mashed potatoes and salad. Now NEXT week we'll have to plan a really big family dinner one night, because Jo will be home too - we haven't seen her for a whole month! Dave's heading out to MD this week to visit a while and drive her home. Can anyone say "Liverpool"?


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    can you say... "I always lose"
    Bek usually wins... good luck with that one
    Dean and I can join in cards this summer!

  2. I'm ready for Liverpool. Seems like forever.

  3. I'm eagerly waiting for you and Dean to be back in the area!

    And for your globe-trotting grandma to get back home!!!

    And Jo, remind Sandy that we expect a visit this summer!
