21 April 2008

Update on Wilken/Schwarz Fund

Our counters counted tonight, and I believe that with tonight's total, the account here at St. Paul's has received a tad more than $34,000 since its inception. That's not counting whatever was given through the Paypal Account on Wittenberg Trail, which has raised $14,000. Thus, a total of $48,000. God bless you all for your generosity! Funds have literally come in from all over - not just the United States, but Australia, Japan, Austria, and Canada.


  1. After reading the latest Augsburg 1530 blog, I was wondering - will Jeff & Todd be needing more funds for attorneys in the days ahead? I for one, would be happy to continue to contribute to help with that too. I hope that is not too personal of a question?

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Yesterday our congregation voted to take the money we *were* going to send to Synod ($1,200) and send it to the Wilken/Schwarz Fund instead.

  3. A very wise man said to me last week about this fund, "This proves Lutherans do good works."

    Thanks to all for your generosity.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Praise and thanks to God!

  5. This is wonderful, but it's only $24,000 per family so far. You'll want to keep those gifts coming.

  6. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Thanks for the update, Pastor Weedon.

    Glory to God!

    Let's keep it going!
