30 April 2008

What a Joy

to spend some time with Lutheran hymnody. Tonight we began that four-part series that CPH sells and that was based on the Good Shepherd Institute. Very solid stuff. And the beauty of seeing the faith set forth in such clarity in Luther's great hymns! It makes me think that I need to ATTEND one of these institutes just for the joy of the singing.


  1. It was a joy to attend the one in 2007. I think I'll be making the trip again this fall. Let me know if you are heading up that way... I can't recommend it enough.

  2. I do think you'd really enjoy it.

  3. if you're going, let me know. I'll split gas costs with you if I can make it.

  4. It's in my CPH shopping cart, and I think we'll be buying a few as gifts at Christmas this year, too.

    We got the preview DVD as a pass-along from a choir director. She wasn't interested. (??!) Grrr.
