09 May 2008

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow...

...I refer to the link that gave the job description of the position that KFUO was looking to fill. Hmm. As Dr. Luther would ask: "Was ist das?"


  1. Why do my sinful nature always require me to hit the print command when I find myself on the LCMS webpage, particularly when the issue is "Issues.Etc."?

  2. It seems to me that either the leadership is unaware of how bad their actions look--posting for a new position when one was just eliminated for financial reasons seems pretty ridiculous--or they don't care how it looks because they perceive the wind is at their backs.

    I do believe synod leadership needs to address a lot of questions forthrightly if they care about the unity of our synod. That assumes unity is one of their concerns though. I hope and pray that it is.

  3. Dennis,

    Because you're wise.

    My upstate Lutheran friend,

    I pray they are concerned about it too.

  4. Was ist das?

    Ein Wort, das mit Sch.... anfaengt.

    Schande? Sicherlich. Aber schlimmer.

    Selbstbetrug ist es auch.

  5. Anonymous12:30 AM

    LPC-MS sounds like LCMS-PMS
