18 May 2008

Return to the Common Prefaces

Another thing that changes this week is that we return to the "Common" Prefaces. LSB provides three of these, any of which may be used on these Sundays after Trinity. My preference is Common II, inspired by the Eucharistic Prayer of Hippolytus:

...who, having created all things, took on human flesh and was born of the virgin Mary. For our sake He died on the cross and rose from the dead to put an end to death, thus fulfilling Your will and gaining for You a holy people. Therefore...


  1. "any of which may be used on these Sundays after Trinity"

    actually, the LSB Altar book does assign which one to use for each proper, just under the name of the Sunday (at least in the three year it does... maybe the one year lets you do what is right in your own eyes.)

  2. It assigns the preface for the Sunday, but it doesn't distinguish between Common I, II, or III. It just says "Common," no?

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Good thing you didn't quote the whole thing or I'd have to file charges. We wouldn't want the families of those who wrote them to starve (even though our liturgies and texts are derived from previously printed hymnals, ICET texts/tunes, and theologians who already have incomes).

  4. Yes, it will be quite refreshing to get back to the Common Proper Prefaces - and the three options sure do give some healthy variety (especially since this year we will milk the Trinity season for every Sunday it's worth ;-).

    I don't recall the LSB Altar Book specifying which Proper Preface (I, II, or III) to use on any given Sunday, but I'll have to check it out tomorrow at the earliest. I simply recall from last year that each Sunday of the "green season" just says, "Common."

    And to our friendly, neighborhood "cph copyright police": is there a certain fee we must pay for each time we *say* those words in the Divine Service? :-) If so, please disclose how much Hippolytus should get for Pr. Weedon's favorite, and I'll send a check directly to him or to the "starving sainted Church Father fund" set up in his name. :-)

  5. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Pr. Asubrry, clearly you haven't heard of Luther Service Builder: Second Edition. It's an easy-to-use new subscription servi...um...I mean computer program to further assist you in your ministry. In short, it's a fantastic, voice activated GPS program that prevents us from tying you up in the middle of the night and throwing you in the back of a van. Best of all, it's only $400 a year (or $399.99 for congregations under 50)! Don't wait, order now! (and if you order in the next five minutes, you'll get this high quality Ablaze sports watch absolutely FREE!!!).

    As for St. Hippolytus...now you're just being silly. While he may be long dead, there's no need to pocket that check. I hear LCMS World Missions is taking donations. Just think, you could support the crucial ministry of DCEs and college students teaching ESL in Burkina Faso and Togo!

  6. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Oh, and I almost forgot. Don't miss out on the new 'Lutheran' Study Bible! ORDER NOW!!! Even though it omits the Old Testament Deuterocanonical books and retains the New Testament ones, we're still going to call it Lutheran 'cause, hey...that's how we roll.

    I mean, we've already adopted the polity of the protestants...why not their canon too?

  7. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Dear CPH Copyright Police:

    Cry me a river . . .

  8. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Why would I cry? I'm the one making the money!

  9. I was certain that it did distinguish between I, II, and III... but I was wrong... not even in the 3 year... so I used III today.
