14 May 2008

They Had Been Good Buddies

The Fridge and the Microwave, I mean. They'd been sitting next to each other for years. So when the Fridge gave every indication of giving up the ghost, we euthanized it and replaced it with a new model - and this one was black to match all the other appliances in the parsonage kitchen. Well, all except for the microwave which sits next to the fridge. It remains white. But I think it couldn't handle the pressure of standing out in the crowd and I think it mourned the death of its friend. For when Cindi went to use it this morning, you'll never guess what. Yup. It didn't need to be euthanized. It had given up the ghost all on its own. The very next day after the big black fridge moved into the neighborhood. Cindi told Bekah it was all her fault - she had declared last night how the microwave just didn't go anymore. And so it must have died of a broken heart...


  1. Maybe a broken heart, or they might have both been fried by a faulty circuit. Or even by lightning if you've had storms recently. Sometimes coincidences aren't.

  2. No they both still "work" - just that the fridge was gradually having trouble keeping things cold as they should be (and yes, I DID have it all way up). And the odd thing about the microwave is that it still ran - it just suddenly stopped heating. It made all the same sounds as usual. I'm sure it was a broken heart. ;)

  3. You may want to have an electrician check your kitchen wiring and inspect the sockets.

    Could be a fire waiting to happen... not that I am an alarmist, but I am both a firefighter and a ham radio operator and have seen similar situations....

    That both died at the same time raises some suspicion with me.


  4. Ah Will... you beat me to the punch. Disregard my last...


  5. You should get a nice white magnet and put in on the center of fridge at around neck height.

  6. They don't build them like they used to, I guess. At last figure, our microwave was on the order of 18 years old. A few years ago I bought fake stainless steel contact paper to cover up the fake woodgrain cabinet. (The front of it is black, thankfully.)

    Maybe I should let your household borrow it so it will finally die and I can get a new one!

  7. I'm guess I'm glad our microwave was on it's own cart when it died after 15 years of use!
