07 June 2008

The Great Litany

The students at Concordia Mequon, praying together the Great Litany. (HT: RAsburry's Res)


  1. I tried to introduce this at my parish every Monday-Thursday at noon. It was too difficult for me to be at the church everyday right at noon. The days when I was there (the majority) no one ever came. The few days I was called away for some reason inevitably someone showed up and was ticked that I wasn't there so I have temporarily suspended in except on feast days (and still, no one else shows, but a wonderful personal devotional practice which I commend to all Christians)

  2. Anonymous11:15 PM

    it would have been nice if they chanted the "Our Father" as well - but very nice nevertheless!

  3. I was suprised that the Great Litany in LSB eliminates the response, "Holy Trinity, One God..." after naming the Father in heaven, the Son redeemer of the world and the Holy Spirit." Was that an LSB slip up, or an LBW addition?

    We've used the LBW litany for the past 17 years, (printed out-- we don't have LBW, just the disk and licence) and this trips up the congregation when using LSB.

  4. Did the dude in the alb cross himself from right to left instead of from left to right?
