17 July 2008

Ha! Didn't I TELL you?

click here

[HT: Matt Bowers]


  1. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I recall once seeing a mid-60's cover of the venerable Life magazine carrying the headline, "New Proof that Cancer IS Contagious."

    Time for a slice of toast.


  2. Mark,

    You need some of Cindi's fabulous locarb bread for your toast - YUMMY! Especially loaded, and I do mean loaded, with BUTTER!

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Feel free to drop a loaf of the locarb bread in the mail.

    Sadly, with two parents who are thin as rails yet with sky high cholesterol, I've been dealt a bad hand. So when it comes to butter, I'm a Romans 7 sort of fellow. I know what's right and I long to do the right thing, but there is, at it were, a war within me. Who shall deliver me from this butter of death? Thanks be to Crestor!

    My popcorn is ready. Time to melt the butter.

  4. I'm thinking of going low carb for the last stretch of my diet.

  5. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Will your wife share the recipe for this fabulous locarb bread so others might indulge?
