27 July 2008

Has It Ever Struck

you as odd that the Divine Service is modified on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter, but that is intact entirely for the Christmas cycle?


  1. No, I can't say this ever has struck me...


  2. Nope.
    LIkely due to the fact that Christmas is a fixed day and a relative latecomer. Holy Week has its own pattern limned by Palm Sunday/ Easter Sunday.

  3. ok, I'll be the first to say that Yes it has struck me as odd. Why wouldn't the Incarnation get a special modification?

    (But then again in modern innovation, everything gets a special modification.... but that is a different topic)

  4. Allen,
    Wouldn't the Incarnation, though, have taken place at the Annunciation? Just a thought.

  5. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Isn't it because our Triduum services are based on the one long service originating in Jerusalem?
