26 July 2008

Joys Abounding

What a great day! This morning, after breakfast, I wrote the wedding homily for Dan and Sue. Then Cindi, Bekah and I hit the bike trail. Good ride, except that the wind had the NERVE to shift on us right after we started back home. We got it in our faces coming and going. Grr! Then I did a bit more yard work. I'd tried to cut yesterday when the grass was a wee bit wet, and I'm afraid that it was showing some spots I had missed, so I went over the back and side yards again. A little pool time, and then it was the great feast.

Cindi had pulled out a turkey and so we had cornbread (well, lo-carb almond flour bread - 2 minutes in the microwave - unbelievable stuff!), biscuits and a whole wheat loaf, the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, mashed cauliflower. Lauren and Dean, Opa, Bekah, Cindi and I definitely made oinks of ourselves. Quite tasty. Sorry, Jo, Sandi, and David - you lost out!

Time then for a little liverpool - which we interrupted after the third hand for dessert - home made chocolate pie (for the non lo carbers) and cheesecake (for Cindi and me). Perfect with some freshly ground and brewed coffee. Delicious!

Then I was off to do the wedding for Dan and Susan. Very laid back and joyous. May the Lord bless their union richly!

Still ahead is Divine Service at 6:15. A full day and yet one that seemed quite relaxing.


  1. I'm begging for the lo-carb almond bread recipe.....

  2. That's a cinch. I made it! I cup of almond flour and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1 packet of splenda. Stir together. Then in a small bowl mix 2 eggs and 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Stir the ingredients together and put into a smallish square dish and spread out evening. Microwave for 2 minutes and voila! Be sure and LOAD it with butter when serving it piping hot.

  3. Thank you, I forgot to check back here!

    And I will do my best to spread out the evening, trust me. (typo joke....)
