01 August 2008

Another Great Day Off

After coffee and some blogging, Cindi and I hit the bike trail and rode up to Decamp again. No deer this time, but hoof prints in the sand along the trail and lots of droppings. Then Cindi and I tried to get into the pool, but the sun was being ornery, so we got out and headed to Edwardsville to try a new place for lunch: Bear and Bull. We ended up ordering the same burger - it was pretty good. Quick stop at the store and then home. I started in on the lawn (which took a long time - all the rain this week made for some growth!), and Cindi started in weeding the garden. I was SOAKED when I finished the lawn. Threw on my trunks and jumped in the pool to cool off for a bit! Filled the bird feeders, tended to the pool, and now we're waiting for Sandi, Jo and Dave to join us for dinner (soup, french bread, cheese and fruit) and some cards tonight.

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