02 August 2008

Asleep in Jesus + Louis Schlechte +

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. O Lord, I am your servant, the son of your maidservant; you have loosed my bonds! - Psalm 116

O holy and righteous God, it has pleased You to call from this life our brother Louis by temporal death. Let us learn from this death that we, too, must die and leave this world, in order that we may prepare for it in time by repentance, a living faith, and avoiding the sins and vanities of the world. Refresh the soul that has now departed with heavenly consolation and joy, and fulfill for it all the gracious promises which in Your holy Word You have made to those who believe in You. Grant to the body a soft and quiet rest in the earth till the Last Day, when You will reunite body and soul and lead them into glory, so that the entire person who served You here may be filled with heavenly joy there. Comfort all who are in grief over this death, and be and remain to the bereaved their Father, Provider, Guardian, Helper, and Support. Do not forsake them, and do not withdraw Your hand from them, but let them abundantly experience Your goodness, grace, love, and help, until You will grant them also a happy and blessed end. Hear us for Your mercy’s sake. Amen.


  1. You and the family are in my prayers. How is his dear bride doing?

  2. Long and sad story. Ella is no longer a member of St. Paul's; she transferred back to Immanuel some months ago.
