02 August 2008

Having Looked Through It In Even More Detail...

...wow! The wonder of Treasury of Daily Prayer is hard to overstate. I'm thinking of the song about the Pushmepullyou in Dr. Dolittle: "I've never seen anything like it in all my life!"

The real beauty of the book is in how it can be used VERY simply (just read the assigned materials for the day - that will give you a section of psalmody, two biblical readings, one non-biblical reading, a hymn verse and a prayer at the very least; on feast or festival days or days commemorating a saint, also a brief bio or commentary on the feast) or as a complete breviary (use the materials as appropriate in the included daily offices).

And how would a prayer manual possibly be complete without helps for Confession and the Order of Confession and Absolution? Without preparation for the Eucharist and prayers for preparation and after receiving our Lord's Body and Blood? These are all there, together with repeating prayers for each day of the week.

What I think will be a great blessing is the seamless manner in which the Church's commemorations are built into the year. As you journey along, you'll be meeting saints here and there along the way, learning a bit about their lives, and thanking God for their faithful witness. AC/Ap XXI leaps to life! For example, in December you'll meet John of Damascus, Theologian and Hymnwriter on the 4th; Nicholas of Myra, Pastor, on the 6th; Ambrose of Milan, Pastor and Hymnwriter on the 7th; Lucia, Martyr on the 13th; Daniel and Three Young Men, on the 17th; Adam and Eve on the 19th; Katherina von Bora Luther on the 20th; St. Thomas on the 21st; St. Stephen on the 26th; St. John on the 27th; Holy Innocents on the 28th; and David the Prophet and King on the 29th! And that's JUST December! The writer to Hebrews speaks of being "surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses" - and through the Treasury, you'll come to know and recognize some faces in that great cloud!

A particular strength of the Treasury is the monthly Psalter, following the order of monthly Psalm reading from The Book of Common Prayer, of the Anglican communion, which is also used in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and among the Western Rite Orthodox. Thus, we'll be joining many fellow Christians in the discipline of praying the same Psalms on the same days each month.

So much more to praise, but that's enough for the day. Get your checkbooks ready, folks! You WANT this new book.


  1. This sound like a VERY good resource. The opportunity to pray along with the saints of all ages in a structured, rich manner and in similar ways is surely a blessing.

    Pax Christi.

  2. Anonymous6:37 AM

    I can only concur with the words of Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.

    "I want it NOW!!" :)

  3. Everyone knows I would rather be dragged through the streets than to stray off topic, so speaking of great resources, I see some terrific posts on Pastor GeRue's blog, particularly one on false teachers.

    Is he back from deployment?

  4. Terry,

    Yes, he came back at the end of April.

  5. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Amazing. Marvelous. And a shame if it doesn't get wider use than among Lutherans in the LCMS.

    Would that all Lutherans of all stripes find a home in this book.

  6. Mark,

    Since we believe that all renewal in the Church springs from the Holy Spirit's work in and through the Word of God, a book such as this has the potential to do more for renewal in our Church than any of the gimmicks that folks at the headshed dream up. Here's the answer to so much that ails us: let us become again people of prayer, humbly feeding on the Word of God, walking in fellowship with all the saints, and bringing the Word of God and prayer BACK into our homes (the REAL small group ministry that God instituted).

  7. Mark, we are promoting it to all Lutheran congregations in the USA, via direct mail.

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM


    The direct mail piece is great to hear. I'll watch mine.

    And if, for example, you want to send a review copy of the entire book to me in order to expand your market, I'd be more than happy to receive it.

    (How's that for a shameless plea?!)

  9. Mark, we'll be happy to send you a review copy for the low, low price of $34.99, or $55.99 for a bonded leather edition. Plus, if you can round up 10 or more orders from your congregation, it will come with free shipping.

    I'll look forward to your review when you receive your copy.

    How's that for a polite, "Ah...no."

    : )

    Thanks for your interest!

  10. I feel like standing up and applauding, but it would confuse my cat.

    Thank you Pr. McCain, and all others that worked on this. I can't wait to get it in my hands. We'll be buying copies as gifts this Christmas, too, I'm sure.


  11. Jen,

    Nothing ever confuses a cat; they merely look at you as though YOU are confused if you do the unexpected. ;)

  12. Stolen from the one and only Christine:

    Dog to human: you pet me, feed me and shelter me. You must be God.

    Cat to human: you pet me, feed me and shelter me. I must be God.
