14 August 2008

Last Time

We have a tradition of taking pictures of our kids on their first day of school. We've done it since Lauren started kindergarten. Well, here's the last one. This is Bekah off to her first day of school in her senior year. How the years have fled!


  1. Well, she certainly has grown into a fine young lady, William!

    But, holy mackerel, look at all the stuff she's carrying! Did she leave anything at home?

  2. Holy cow, is the lass attending a boarding school. My son John sauntered off to his first day of Junior year in High school with four spiral bound notebooks in one backpack.

    I guess Seniors just have a lot more to do get done on the first day back.

    It does make one choke a bit when they are getting older. You don't want it any other way, but....zikes.

    We take my oldest to college on Sunday. That's going to be rough.

  3. Forget everything she's carrying...how early do they start school down there??? My kids don't go back until the Monday after Labor Day!!!

  4. School starts earlier every year, it seems. Our parochial school does not begin until next Tuesday. I also grew up with the "after Labor Day" beginning, but we also went into the middle of June!

    As for the baggage: her purse, her book-bag, her gym bag, her lunch box, her tennis racquet and her water bottle. Not an unusual amount of stuff for her to haul off to school!

  5. We take pictures on the first day of school too, today, coincidentally. We had the eldest go off to Jr High..not fun. Then #2 to 2nd grade, #3 to Kindergarten (not fun), and Jack started Mother's Day Out at a different place. After tears, Marjorie is loving this day to herself.

  6. She looks like she wants to bean you with the racket.

  7. LL, I had the same exact thought!

    Our eldest starts Kindegarten next Tuesday. yikes. Remember, William, that when you and I met, Laura and I did not have any - and now I have a Kindegartner, a pre-schooler (yet to be determined if he is willing to go or not), a walker (took his first step on his first birthday a month ago), and our fourth is due March 9.

  8. Lovely photo! May it be a great school year.

  9. Anonymous12:33 AM

    You all leave me jealous. My baby is in graduate school! Though she still looks to the fatherly dole, she is gradually being weaned! But it does tug at the heart - all the time.

    + Herb
