01 August 2008

Patristic Quote of the Day

Having forgiven us, he says, all our trespasses, those which produced that deadness. What then? Did He allow them to remain? No, He even wiped them out; He did not scratch them out merely; so that they could not be seen. In doctrines [ordinances], he says. What doctrines? The Faith. It is enough to believe. He has not set works against works, but works against faith. And what next? Blotting out is an advance upon remission; again he says, And has taken it out of the way. Nor yet even so did He preserve it, but rent it even in sunder, by nailing it to His Cross. Having put off from himself the principalities and the powers, He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Nowhere has he spoken in so lofty a strain. -- St. John Chrysostom, Homily on Colossians 2

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