15 October 2008

Great Way to Start a Day

I met Bob for racquet ball this morning at 6:30. He trounced me all three games, but it was definitely GREAT to be playing again - and in between games we worked out some details for celebrating Divine Service Five for the Reformation festival. Then time for the regular workout (30 minutes elliptical; leg strength training; 15 minutes stepper). After a Starbucks' coffee, and Matins with the help off my iPhone (thanks, anon Lutheran!); then off to private confession and absolution, followed by an exegetical study and to lunch with a great group of pastors. Got home before the sky opened and the rain started. Still to come today: Divine Service for St. Luke's Day (transferred to today from the 18th), study of Wisdom 6, and Compline.


  1. Fr. Weedon,

    Sounds like an active start makes for a productive date.
    Perhaps, I should try starting my days like that....

    How many hours of sleep do you get?
    I have problems anytime I sleep less than 7 and a half hours.

    The opening of the skies might be nothing compared to what is potentially on the way here.

    Prayers are in order as in this corner of the world we have hurricane Omar coming uncomfortably close to us.


  2. Omar,

    8 hours are a must for me.

    About your namesake, I've been thinking about you since they first started talking of it. May the Lord preserve you all!

  3. so, would you send the details of DS 5 my way? I've got some stuff worked out for it already, but I'd like to compare notes.

  4. (btw, you left off that before you went for raquetball, you gave words that encouraged a certain west coast firefly whose light was going a little dim.)

  5. Fr. Weedon,

    I need about 8 hours of sleep to be functional as well.

    I need to start having more of those nights :) It's not easy for a person whose ideas ordinarily start coming together at night :)

    Thanks for the prayers. May God protect us.

