08 October 2008

Talk About a Wonderful Week

Let's see:

Saturday - Divine Service at St. Paul's with the Baptism of Brody
Sunday - Divine Services at St. Paul's; Bible Class; Vespers for Pentecost 21 with Installation of Pr. Wilken at Trinity, Millstadt
Monday - Noonday Office and Divine Service at Pastoral Conference
Tuesday - Matins (with St. John Chrysostom preaching and the Starke Te Deum); Noonday Office and Evening Prayer at Pastoral Conference
Wednesday - Matins (with Blessed Martin Luther preaching and the TLH Anglican Te Deum) and Itinerarium at Pastoral Conference and then Divine Service, Bible Study, and Compline at St. Paul's

You must admit: for a liturgical nut is was like being turned loose in the candy store! :) AND to top it off, our presenters and responders were quite outstanding on the topic of preaching. But the praying of the Psalter together in community stood out to me for the inexpressible comfort that it brought. No trimming in praying the Psalter. We prayed or sang the appointed psalms for morning and evening for each day, together with the appointed readings. Truly a foretaste of heaven.


  1. What do you use for choosing homilies? You mentioned you used Chrysostom one day and Luther another. What are you using to read from?

  2. Neil, you would have to ask the committee who put on the conference - in particular the members who proclaimed during the services, Rev. Heath Curtis (Chrysostom) and Rev. Mark Surburg (Luther). They picked homilies which were based upon the assigned reading from LSB Daily Lectionary (p. 299). These are also the assigned daily Scripture readings in the soon to appear Treasury of Daily Prayer.

    William, a joy as always to see you! Your post failed to mention the Evening Hymn Sing. (I couldn't wait to get home and sing LSB 880.5 to my family.)

    Laura wanted to know if you saw "Jimbo's" in Grafton.

  3. Jimbo,

    I skipped the hymn sing (unthinkable as that might be!) because my voice was just about done singing at the end of evening prayer.


    What Jimbo said! I was referring to attending, not leading, the liturgies at the conference. And for a pastor, that is always a HUGE treat: to attend the services without having to do a thing but pray and receive. Joy indeed.

  4. Oh...darn, I was hoping there was some book out, or website that set up great devotionals from the church fathers.

    By the way, I will be heading over to the campus bookstore on 10/23 to buy the Treasury of Daily Prayer. Apparently there is a good number of seminarians who are going to go buy it that day.

  5. Speaking of liturgy, have you heard of Byzantine Rite Lutheranism?

  6. Ben,

    Sure thing. My good friend Pr. David Jay Webber served as rector at St. Sophia Seminary there in Ukraine for many years. That group's got a fascinating history - indigenous Ukrainians who came to the Reformation in the early 20th century and did for the Byzantine Rite more or less what Lutherans did with the Rite of St. Gregory. Almost wiped out under the communists, they have flourished again.
