29 October 2008


Matins + Workout at Y + Communion to Noel + Pericopal Study (commendations to Pr. Hemmer for his usual outstanding job!) + Lunch with pastors + Visit Agnes in hospital (Granite) + Communion to Debbie and Eldon + Visit Wilma in hospital (Staunton) + Communion to Alfred + Finished my stuff for Sunday bulletins + Blog a tad [that's NOW!] + Vespers + Divine Service for Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles + Bible Class on Wisdom, Chapter 8 + Compline + Discuss funeral plans for Carol Wilson, daughter of Leona Daube - May she rest in peace! + Glass of wine + BED

Today's activities exemplify what I dearly love about serving in the pastoral office: the variety of tasks that present themselves each day. That, and what an honor to accompany the people of God in their earthly pilgrimage with the unspeakable comfort of the Word and prayer and the Sacraments of Christ! It's the sort of day that I thank God for putting this most unworthy sinner into the office that preaches the reconciliation.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Rev. Weedon, are you ever NOT elated? You seem too happy to be a real person.

  2. Dear Anon,

    Oh, I'm real enough! But no, I'm not always elated. There are days I am ecstatic... ;)

    Seriously, the down days are there, but when they occur, I don't feel like writing and I don't. But I do think they tend to be less often for me than for many others - I'm not sure why. Something in the genes? I'm usually "up" and whistling and enjoying whatever the day brings. As my wife put it so rudely: "It doesn't take much to get you excited." I figure that TDP will leave me on cloud nine for a long time to come...

  3. so you going to preach electronically what you preached vocally?

  4. I have nothing but respect for the amazing graciousness and sacrifice of those who administer the gifts of God to a broken world. Kudos.
