24 October 2008

'Twas the Year Before Atkins...

...which, I think, would be 2001. Just looking at it gives me the heebie-jeebies!


  1. Great job Bill! This is the first time I've seen your 'before' picture! Congrats on your success, and most of all, congrats on your continued maintenance. It seems that is the hardest journey of all for most of us!

  2. yeah, 2001 seems about right - I met you that year. But it wasn't too long before "Atkins" appeared in almost every conversation.

  3. Girliefriend,

    Maintenance IS the hardest. Gotta get the mindset that it's not a diet (that one can go off of, or "cheat" on); it's a way of eating for the rest of one's life! When I forget that, I pay the penalty and then back to induction. Got real serious with it again at the beginning of last Lent and it's been smooth sailing since.


    What's this "almost"? :)

  4. Around 2004-5, once or twice I even thought you had stopped the diet because you didn't mention anything about it that visit!

    thus, "almost"
