28 November 2008

The Day After

Cindi and I were up first thing and off to the Y. I figure if we were able to faithfully maintain our exercise routine THIS week, we'd be able to do it through anything! We got home and visited a bit with Sis and Jimmy and then gave some serious thought to lunch. We decided on breakfast. Bekah made the pancakes. I did the sausage. Cindi made the eggs and fixed some low-carb pancakes for us. The afternoon was entirely leisurely - just visiting and talking or resting. Then to visitation for Doris - still so hard to fathom she's gone. On the way home we decided to eat out. We ended up at Zapatas and I had an excellent dish of shrimp in very hot sauce; Cindi stuck with our usual standby - fajitas (we just don't use the tortillas). Back home we spent the evening finishing up some pies and visiting more around the table. It's only nine and yet we're all pretty wiped and thinking about bed. Sis and Jimmy are leaving tomorrow (a day earlier than they had planned originally) because of Jimmy's work. Bummer. Still, we've been so blessed having this time with them.


  1. What do you do for low-carb pancakes?

    I'm thinking about doing all meat and greens for Advent. Abstaining from meat really isn't a stretch for me, but giving up bread, pasta and fruit is KILLER.

  2. We use ground flax seed and almond flour and we mix it some pumpkin with pumpkin spices. Very tasty!

  3. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Lisa and I would hit up Zapatas after church at Hamel. We loved the cheap buffet.

    BTW, we are so thankful for the time we spent at St. Paul. What a wonderful place!
