30 November 2008

Saint Andrew, Apostle

Today we commemorate St. Andrew, the Apostle. The Treasury of Daily Prayer has a beautiful devotion on this day from a homily of Valerius Herberger. Just a snippet: "Then when he saw the cross, he [Andrew] spoke: 'Hail, precious cross, you who were dedicated by the body of Christ; may He receive me through you, who redeemed me through you." The collect for St. Andrew asks: "grant us also to follow the same Lord Jesus in heart and life" whom St. Andrew followed when he obeyed the Lord's call so long ago. The Sunday nearest St. Andrew's day always determines the start of Advent.


  1. "The Sunday nearest St. Andrew's day always determines the start of Advent."

    I visited my former Lutheran parish today (for their Bach Cantata, which was lovely), and heard this there, too. I never knew that before! I always thought that one counts back 4 Sundays from Dec. 25. Suppose it works out to be the same.

  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    St Andrew's day was very important in the medieval church. Particularly the Cistercians looked toward him as a true bearer of the cross. Who is the Valerius whom you quoted.

  3. Dr. Philips,

    Herberger was a Lutheran cleric whose work spanned the later 16th and early 17th century. He was an amazing preacher - Pr. Mayes has included a number of his writings in the Treasury. He is a prime witness to the intentional catholicity of the Lutheran Church.

  4. -C,

    It works out the same - but it is much more fun to find St. Andrew's day and figure from there. :)

  5. Well, I'm quite certain that this is what my former pastor would say, too.

