18 November 2008

Thoughts on Preaching...

...if you don't mind countless "ums" and stuttering...from this summer's St. John Chrysostom Lutheran Preacher's Retreat:

click here


  1. It is as if you are in my living room. Nifty stuff!

  2. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Uh? Um? Didn't you read what our POTS recently wrote about this nasty practice! Sheesh! And you probably don't shine your shoes, either. ;)


  3. The stuttering is probably even more annoying than the ums. But let it be recorded: I try NEVER to polish my shoes. :)

  4. Ummmm.........it was great haivng Pastor Weedon as our speaker - this summer June 22-24 2009 the 4th Annual St. John Chrysostom Lutheran Preacher's Retreat will be held with the Rev. David Petersen serving as our speaker. Theme to be announced. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming ;-)

  5. I really appreciated having these sessions online. I particularly found the discussion on preaching in the pattern of "law/gospel/mystical union" fascinating.

    For those interested in hearing it, it's at 51 minutes into the third session.

  6. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anonymous said: "Uh? Um? Didn't you read what our POTS recently wrote about this nasty practice! Sheesh! And you probably don't shine your shoes, either. ;) "

    Gee, I didn't realize that wasn't a good practice. You know, we have an important calling and should pay careful attention to how we execute the duties of the Office. I'm glad someone is helping us keep up to snuff.

    That leads me to ask a question that can, perhaps, be the subject of another pastoral letter. What kind of polish am I supposed to use to shine my tennis shoes? I set my dress shoes ablaze along with my vestments, the altar, the crucifix, and other various and sundry items I no longer needed.

    The Reverend Fr. Michigan J. Frog
