25 November 2008


is there a cat in heat on my front porch??? It needs to GO AWAY!


  1. Among the great, mysterious questions of the universe, surely.

  2. Didn't Pastor Wilken have some extra cats around? They must have gotten into his Chelada and now one of them is your problem.

  3. This is why created .22 shorts.

  4. God....God created .22 shorts.

  5. Pastor Weedon, with all the respect due to your office as a called and ordained servant of the Word,

    I'd have to say this is just reward for your praise of cold weather and gray autumn skies the other day.

    ::giggle:: Poor kitty's just looking for a warm place to "sleep."


  6. You'd better keep her well-chaperoned, or she may have kittens UNDER your front porch, or somewhere else that will make them *your* responsibility.:-)

    P.S.) Not to be indelicate, but how have you determined that she is indeed in heat?

  7. You can probably get a free trap from the local SPCA and bring her to the SPCA and get her spayed very cheaply - after which you can release her back outside, or find her a home.

    Otherwise, she is likely to go beyond being in heat and do what Protestants have been instructed to do but typically do not.

  8. Protestants are supposed to be on Weedon's porch with their butts in the air, meowing loudly?

    Man, you were all saving this one, weren't you. Waited until I took the oath and everything.

    Now I gotta fly out there and act like this.....

  9. Anonymous9:37 PM

    You stupid pastor! Why don't you baptize the poor creature? It needs to be saved.

  10. Anonymous10:14 AM

    no it doesn't.

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Yes it does.

  12. Anonymous8:37 AM

    it doesn't need to be baptized because then it would run away, and we wouldn't want that!
