31 December 2008

+ Bishop Andrew Elisa

Bishop Andrew Elisa has fallen asleep in Jesus. The story of this remarkable servant of Christ can be found here:

click here

My dear friend, Pastor Randy Asburry, spent some time with this fledgling Church in Sudan a couple years back and spoke of Bishop Elisa in glowing terms.

Rest eternal, grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him!


  1. Kyrie Eleison.
    May the Lord grant him peace at the last.

    Floyd Bass, SSP

  2. Yes, I knew Bp. Elisa, though not as well as others. I was very saddened to hear of his passing, but rejoice that he gets to rest with the risen Christ from his labors in this vale of sorrows. Now that I'm back from Christmas travels, I'll have to put my mind and keyboard to a fitting homage/memory of Bp. Elisa.
