26 December 2008

The Divine Service for The Nativity of Our Lord - Christmas Day

Here is our Christmas Day liturgy replete with bloopers and such (including, at the beginning, the one for which I am responsible and wrote about below...). The Service, though, is not a performance. It is a humble offering of prayer and praise by poor sinners in response to the Most Blessed Trinity's gracious giving of Himself. Pastor Gleason's fine homily [printed below] is here preached; you can discover how blessed we are to have him with us at St. Paul's!


  1. I kind of liked the glitchy version of Joy to the World. It had a kind of edgy, avant garde Philip Glass quality to it. You might want to listen to that tape and reproduce that.

  2. I confess that I thought it was interesting too. Being a third apart works for some of it. :)
