22 December 2008

It was a joy

last night to have dinner with Meaghan's family. Meaghan and David prepared the food, and the Weedons sat down to feast with the Barringers on pot roast, green beans, salad, bread, and some fruit. Tasty indeed! David and Meaghan did a fine job with the cooking. Meaghan's father, Larry, is due to be a delegate to our upcoming District Convention, so I suspect we'll get in more visiting at that event. As is the way of the Synod, we ended up knowing many of the same folks and finding connections all over the place. A most enjoyable way to wrap up a Sunday evening.


  1. Anonymous1:18 PM

    you mean...you actually ATE food that Dum Dum made? Is that safe? Are you sick?

    or...did Dum Dum SAY he made the meal...and really Meaghan did it all???? Because, I think I would trust that food more!

  2. It was also a joy for the Barrigners to share a meal and fellowship. I wish you could have seen the two of them in the kitchen together. Karen was available for counsel and was utilized liberally.

    We look forward to sharing fellowship with your family again. A blessed holy season from our family to yours!

