29 December 2008

New Year's Resolutions

* I will make at least one delinquent call per month (and have a list for each elder to make one each month as well)
* I will read one work by Luther that I haven't yet read each month
* I will reread the Loci Theologici of Chemnitz from start to finish
* I will say "no" to any invitations to do further conferences
* I will make it to confession at minimum with each change in the Church's seasons

And I think if all that gets done, I'll be shocked yet very happy!

1 comment:

  1. Pr. Weedon, thanks for sharing your resolution. Mine include one of yours: reading the LOCI. I'm also reading through all of Pieper again. Time to sharpen the dogmatics tools.

    Not a word in the list about your diet and exercise? Of course, you are doing so well, why add a resolution?

    Mine include getting back into a more rigorous exercise and diet program. I've come to realize that the BEST reason to watch what you eat/drink and to excercise is simply you FEEL so MUCH better, and sleep better, etc. etc. etc.
