21 December 2008

Welcome, Yule!

1. Welcome be thou, heaven-king,
Welcome born in one morning,
Welcome for whom we shall sing,
Welcome for whom we shall sing,
Welcome Yule.

2. Welcome be ye, Stephan and John,
Welcome Innocents every one
Welcome Thomas Martyr one,
Welcome Thomas Marty one,
Welcome Yule.

3. Welcome be ye, good New Year,
Welcome Twelfth Day, both in fere,
Welcome saints lef and dear,
Welcome saints lef and dear,
Welcome Yule.

4. Welcome be ye Candlemas,
Welcome be ye, Queen of Bliss,
Welcome both to more and less,
Welcome both to more and less,
Welcome Yule.

5. Welcome be ye that are here,
Welcome all and make good cheer;
Welcome all, another year,
Welcome all, another year,
Welcome Yule.


  1. Welcome be ye, Queen of Bliss,

    There you go, invoking the Mother of God again!


    Merry, merry Christmas and lots of love.

  2. Thank you, Anastasia, and to you and Demetrios too!

  3. Well, speaking of mothers, Bede, my fellow Englishman and Benedictine, says that Yule was a feast on 25 December, in modern dating, that began the new year with an all night celebration of the godesses caled Mother's Night!

    I guess we've toned down the Wild Hunt to Santa and the reindeer.

  4. Is that as in "Welcome, y'all"? Just wondered if it was the accent coming through there...
